Monthly Archive September 2024

ByDave Hall

New module launched to ease church safeguarding admin

A brand-new module to help churches with their safeguarding administration will be launched at CRE 24 by iKnow Church.

More than 10 months in the making, the tools include:

  • Manage concerns – Users can record information and manage different stages of concern as well as uploading supporting documents and controlling access to the information. An unlimited number of notes and attachments can be added to each concern.
  • DBS – All information is managed in one place – with alerts when a DBS refresh is due. Supporting documents can be uploaded along with custom information.
  • Risk Assessments – These can be created and future dates set if re-assessment is required.
  • Custom Fields – Custom information can be added to both concerns and DBS.

Safeguarding information is kept separate from other church data ensuring that only the right people have access. Restricted access can also be given to key areas of the Safeguarding module.

‘The team have worked hard to develop this important module,’ said iKNow Church’s Kyle Cottington. ‘We have already had great feedback when showing the software to organisations and look forward to launching it at CRE 24.’

A spokesperson for Thirtyone:eight, also exhibiting at the CRE, said: ‘The effective management of data is an essential part of creating safer places. A good platform for doing this is therefore critical to ensure data informs safe practice. We encourage any setting to consider the value such a system can bring to their safeguarding arrangements.’

iKnow Church will also launch their new software design after the company’s biggest rebrand in more than 10 years.

• iKnow Church are stand F1 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

MomentumYes: igniting passion for global mission

A free, online video course is revolutionising how believers engage with the Great Commission. 

Developed by an ordinary US church passionate about reaching the unreached, MomentumYes offers a discipleship journey through six engaging sessions. Adopted and adapted by a collaboration of UK mission agencies, the course challenges participants to rethink their perspective on the Bible, missions – and their own identity as followers of Christ. 

‘Within weeks of running courses we had participants starting up their own groups,’ said Simon Patrick, head of communications at Frontiers. ‘It is perfect for any church looking to deepen its discipleship and practically engage with the Great Commission, both with our neighbours and to the nations.’ 

At its core, MomentumYes, part of Mission on the Map at CRE 24, emphasises that every Christian has a vital part to play in God’s mission. Whether through going overseas, sending others, mobilising the church, or reaching out to diverse cultures locally, believers are equipped to find their unique role, the course combines compelling video teaching with thought-provoking discussion questions and hands-on activities. Participants are encouraged to pray for unreached people groups and explore tangible ways to engage in cross-cultural ministry. 

Ideal for churches, small groups and individual study, participants gain a renewed vision for mission and discover practical steps to integrate God’s global purpose into every aspect of their lives. More than a course, it’s a catalyst for a lifestyle of mission, inspiring Christians to say ‘yes’ to God’s momentum in reaching every nation, tribe and tongue.

• MomentumYes are on stand P46 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Rev Simo: How I lost a letter and gained a calling

Being neurodivergent is a gift from God and brings about creative ideas.

So says Rev Simo (aka Rev Simon Faulks), an Anglican vicar with a passion for sharing stories about God – and a first-time exhibitor at CRE 24.

‘We are all made in the image of a creative God and that takes many different forms,’ he says. ‘Neurodivergents often have a very creative outlook. My own experience with dyslexia and ADHD means life is not always easy and it certainly wasn’t growing up, but it has brought about many of my ideas. I am keen, therefore, to encourage others who are neurodivergent – and to help the church support both the participation and ministry of others who don’t always fit the typical mould.’

Rev Simo stepped down from his role as rector of five parishes in 2022 and began to establish Not Ashamed. He also serves part-time as assistant minster at St Mary’s, Bletchley and provides cover to other local churches.

The name Rev Simo came about when, at a youth work conference, the ‘n’ got missed off his name badge!

With more than 25 years’ experience in ministry, he has always looked for ways to use his interest in circus and illusion in ministry.

‘It naturally developed into storytelling,’ he explains. ‘I realised I was telling stories and using these other elements to help illustrate them. “I am not ashamed of the Gospel” (Romans 1:16) is my prayer for life and ministry.’

He will highlight two areas of ministry at CRE. Firstly, a discipleship workshop called Enter the Story that can be used as a tool for sermon preparation, RE Lessons and home groups. Some have taken it on as a way of exploring the stories of the Bible. Secondly, an all-age-friendly evangelistic storytelling show called Strange but True.

‘I love to be able to work with churches and schools in creative ways and I’m looking forward to meeting people at CRE 24,’ he says, ‘to talk over the various ways I believe I can help them make the gospel more dynamic and accessible to all ages.’

• Not Ashamed (and Rev Simo) are on stand C41 at CRE 24

Main photo: First-time CRE exhibitor Rev Simo

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Pew, what a scorcher! Heated cushions for your chilly church

One CRE 24 exhibitor will make sure churches give a warm welcome to visitors – and contribute to the Church of England commitment to achieve carbon net-zero status by 2030.

Sit & Heat has partnered with the church to supply sustainable heated cushions for chairs and pews to more than 40,000 churches throughout the country.

Anthony Gerard, who has worked for more than 30 years with designers, architects, catering organisations and building promotors all over the world, is the UK agent for the cushions which are made in the Netherlands.

‘They are ideal for cathedrals and churches with chairs or historic pews requiring preservation,’ he explained. ‘They deliver direct warmth to individual parishioners, providing a “green” heating alternative without the need for conventional heating throughout the whole building.

‘The cordless, rechargeable cushions feature both battery-powered and fixed-wire options and are designed to fit any seating arrangement. They are equipped with individual controls and smart sensors, automatically activating and deactivating to conserve energy – with a significant reduction in heating bills.

‘With endorsements from King Willen Alexander of the Netherlands, and the Church of England, Sit & Heat has received commendable recognition, demonstrating a significant alignment with energy and environmental stewardship at the highest levels!’

While endorsed by the Church of England, Sit & Heat cushions can be supplied to churches of all denominations.

• Sit & Heat are on stand B6 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Mariana’s mission: Grace to those without deep pockets

A 37-year-old beautician is keen for less-privileged women to receive treatment without cost – so she’s bringing her Grace on Wheels van to CRE 24.

A beautician since 2009, Mariana said: ‘I speak with women from different cultures, ages, religions and social classes. For many, their time in the salon is not only a time of relaxation but also a time to open up about their problems.’

The interior of the Grace on Wheels van

Most of Mariana’s clients tend be relatively well off. Juggling work, family and children they still have the opportunity to pay for beauty services.

‘But I am concerned about women who don’t have deep pockets,’ said Mariana. ‘How can we make them feel special and loved? As a Christian I want to take Grace on Wheels to these women and their children who, due to the circumstances of life, have been deprived of the ability to pay for treatments.

The interior of the Grace on Wheels van

‘My heart is to reach out to victims of domestic abuse, violence, homelessness, human trafficking and also women in detention and prisons.’

Mariana, who also hosts pamper parties for children, to ‘create special memories’, wants to offer her services free to vulnerable women through a partnership with churches and charities that want to bring ‘inside-out’ transformation to women.

‘I will be with the van on the exhibition floor at CRE 24,’ she said, ‘and I would love to talk to anyone who feels their church or organisation could help provide such a service in their area.’

• Grace on Wheels are on stand D19 at CRE 24

Main photo: Mariana with her Grace on Wheels van

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Drugs: avoiding the snares of the secondary school

Drugs and 11-year-olds – how do you help them resist experimenting when they get to secondary school?

Ask CRE 24 exhibitor Hope UK, who, in 2024 alone, have delivered drug awareness to nearly 18,000 Year 6 students.

Pupils Henry and Eva were full of praise for a Hope UK session they attended.

‘I liked how they got us to think about what’s good and bad for us,’ said Henry. Eva agreed: ‘They made it fun and turned learning about peer pressure into a game.’

Hope UK in action in a Kettering school

Introducing peer resistance skills to 11-year-olds is a key part of Hope UK’s approach in delivering the Junior Citizens’ Scheme (JCS) to hundreds of primary school children across London and the south-east.

For the past two years, Hope UK has also run its own version of the national scheme at the organisation’s head office in Kettering. It was the second year teacher Jane Tinto’s school had attended Kettering Junior Citizens.

‘It is very helpful to build on the curriculum,’ she said. ‘The workshops were informative and interactive. It’s all about getting children to be safe in the real world.’

Many church youth workers feel ill-equipped to manage drug issues with young people. A talk at CRE 24 by Hope UK’s Sarah Brighton (Wed 9 Oct, 12.30pm) will help them get started. More information here.

• Hope UK are on stand P9 at CRE24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Navigating pinnacles, peregrines, policies and people – the Ecclesiastical way

Half a ton of stonework falling more than 30 meters – just as well Worcester Cathedral was properly insured. Severe winds from Storm Arwen had torn away part of a pinnacle from the cathedral tower.

‘Our immediate priority was to ensure the safety of the building and put temporary measures in place to protect the building from further damage,’ said Annaleise Jones of CRE 24 exhibitors Ecclesiastical Insurance.

Craig Atton, left, freelance stonemason, and Neil Berry, Cathedral’s senior stonemason, with the replaced pinnacle on Worcester Cathedral’s 196ft (59.7m) tower.

Preserving the cathedral’s history was of utmost importance during the restoration process.  Extensive discussions with structural engineers led to the construction of a permanent steel frame within the roof void to support the vaulted stone ceiling. Metal hangers and a flat metal plate reinforced the masonry, ensuring structural integrity.

Around 1,500 organ pipes, contaminated with dust and debris, were carefully extracted and cleaned off-site. A digital organ was sourced for continuity of services. Once repairs were completed, the organ pipes were reinstalled.

Neil Berry, the Cathedral’s senior stonemason, with his carvings of a lion and a unicorn, part of the new pinnacle on the 196ft (59.7m) tower.

During restoration, peregrine falcons nested on the cathedral spire. The restoration of the pinnacle was put on hold until the chicks had fully fledged. A live webcam allowed people to witness the growth of Peggy, Peter, Penguin, Penelope, Percie – and Mr Lazy.

Carving of the new pinnacle began while waiting for the chicks to fledge. The damaged pinnacle was replaced with a new one crafted by the cathedral’s stonemasons. Preservation of the cathedral’s architectural heritage was ensured using red sandstone sourced from Hollington quarry in Staffordshire.

Interim Dean, Canon Stephen Edwards of Worcester Cathedral commented: ‘We are extremely grateful to Ecclesiastical for their support from the moment the news broke and all the way through the restoration journey. They navigated peregrines, programming, policies and people with perfection!’

Ecclesiastical will give four talks at CRE 24:

Unlocking the power of support by Helen Richards (2pm, Wed 9 Oct)
Open churches: balancing safety and security by Heather Ford (3.30pm, Wed 9 Oct)
Greening your mission by Helen Gray and Chris Pitt (11am, Thu 10 Oct)
Church insurance support made easy by Heather Ford (1.30pm, Thu 10 Oct)

• Ecclesiastical are on stand A1 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Turning an idea into a reality begins with the right conversation

Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. The words of St Francis of Assisi ring true, especially when it comes to church building projects.

‘We would all like to achieve the impossible, especially when we believe that we have a vision to achieve great things,’ said Phil Winch of CRE 24 exhibitors CPL Chartered Architects. ‘The secret of those who manage to fulfil their vision is to find a way to turn their ideas into reality.’

When a team has an exciting vision for their church family, and a wide range of amazing activities to support the local community, it is often necessary to commission an innovative building project to make an aspirational vision a reality.

‘The processes required for a successful building project can be complex and daunting,’ said Phil. ‘You will need a careful briefing process, feasibility option evaluation, design development, consultations, gaining necessary statutory and technical approvals, preparation of technical designs and construction information – all within a defined budget.’

As a Christian firm of chartered architects with more than 30 years’ experience designing church and community projects around the UK, CPL can help to make a vision a reality.

‘Mark Twain once famously commented: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”’ said Phil. ‘We are currently working with a church in Leamington Spa to help them realise their vision for a church and community project. If you have a vision that requires an innovative building project to make it a reality, come and talk to us at CRE 24.’

• CPL Architects are on stand F15 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Picture this: your faith journey as a natural conversation

Faith Pictures is a new resource from Church Army to help Christians of all traditions talk about their own story of faith. Over six sessions, designed for small groups, participants explore their personal journey and discover a language through which they can express their faith to others.

Each session builds on the previous one and helps us see where God has been present in our lives, how we can talk about that confidently, and how God is active in the world and wants us to join in. The sessions are:

  1. Opening the Conversation
  2. The Power of the Ordinary
  3. Traveller’s Tales
  4. Talking Pictures
  5. Companions on the Journey
  6. Hidden Opportunities

Each session is made up of four parts:

  • Discover – a 3 to 4-minute video introducing the topic
  • Dive In – an activity to help the group to start thinking about the topic.
  • Going Deeper – exploring the ideas behind the topic
  • Draw near – a pattern of prayer to help the group reflect on what has been talked about and how to apply it

‘Faith Pictures is really accessible, enjoyable and an easy way for us as individual Christians to begin to think about how we share our faith story,’ said Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York.

‘The course is great at giving you the tools to share your faith, whether you have just become a Christian or have been one for years,’ said course participant Sandra Harvey. ‘It shows you how you can easily connect with people and use things that are personal to you. If they mean something to you then, as you talk about them, other people can relate to them as well.
Being part of a small group works really well, as you get different perspectives on things. I definitely learned from the others in my group.’

• Church Army are on stand E11 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Superior software for churches? Gordon plugs the app

A suite of apps specifically designed for churches, combining well-established tools and fresh innovations – that’s the promise behind a new name unveiled at CRE 24.

The teams that brought churches Cambron Software, Power Music Software and Amplify Code have united under

‘While the name has changed, users can still expect the same exceptional customer service from the same dedicated professionals – now under a new corporate identity,’ said founder Gordon Cameron.

  • takes the pain out of scheduling, creating recurring and non-recurring events, allocating people to teams, sending automated reminders by SMS text or email, editing rotas from anywhere on a laptop, tablet or phone – with the rota privacy level you want.
  • The app avoids the hassle and chaos of managing children’s club attendance and registration. It provides a user-friendly, online check-in and registration platform, tailor-made to meet the specific needs of a club. Say goodbye to paper sign-ups and manual tracking. By using the app, everything is streamlined and digital.
  • Power Music is the best music display and management app for Windows, Mac and iPad/iPhone, putting an end to the hassle of working with paper music. All sheet music is stored in one place, enabling the user to share songs and playlists with other devices using Power Music Box.

Churches can buy hardware to support Power Music – from a MusicOne digital music stand to a bluetooth page turner. Also available are Power Music songbooks with Power Music Software now the only source for Spring Harvest songbooks from 2006 to 2020.

‘We invite churches of all sizes to explore our apps and see how our custom-made technology can enhance their mission,’ said Gordon.

• are on stand E18A at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Looking to exhibit? Only two stands now available. For more information contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.