Why ease of use is the key to church AV

ByDave Hall

Why ease of use is the key to church AV

Churches don’t have an endless supply of volunteer AV technicians – and that’s where we come in.

So says DSAV’s Dan Herbert (above) in the latest in a brand new series of CRE Exhibitor Podcasts showcasing a range of organisations you can expect to meet at CRE 24.

‘A lot of the audio-visual systems we install are geared around ease of use,’ explains Dan. ‘Nine times out of ten you can simply turn it on at the beginning of the service and turn it off at the end.’

Dan points out how many AV companies will look at what happens in church on a Sunday in isolation from the rest of the week.

‘The Sunday service is the culmination of what happens over seven days in church but what takes place in midweek is just as important,’ he maintains. ‘The verger may need to turn on the system for a service or stream a funeral, for example. That’s where ease of use really has to come into it.’

A lot of the systems DSAV install come with personal training.

‘It always amazes me that there are still churches out there with no system whatsoever,’ says Dan. ‘We’ll make sure we are there for your first service and return three or four weeks later to answer any questions you may have.’

Click here for the full podcast and here for an introduction to all the interviews on offer.

• DSAV are on stand B15 at CRE 24

CRE 2024

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Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: james@creonline.co.uk). Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

About the author

Dave Hall author