Current mission challenges and solutions: a series of short talks

Mike Frith, Oscar, & Mission on the Map exhibitors
Wed 9 Oct, 2.00-2.45
Talks 3, 1st floor balcony (sponsored by Ecclesiastical)

Three Ted-style talks:

  • 2pm – Move your church from maintenance into mission, with Bob Goody, Rural Missions
  • 2.15pm – From rotas to rotavators: how to engage your community in faith conversations, with Rev Tina Hodgett, CMS
  • 2.30pm – Supporting global mission online: what’s changed in 25 years? with Mike Frith, Oscar

Talks programme at CRE 24

The Talks Programme is free to CRE visitors

Tickets for CRE 24 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.