New video series speaks where church is silent

ByDave Hall

New video series speaks where church is silent

A man whose life was on the rocks from addiction to pornography will launch The Road to Grace video series at CRE 25.

‘In spite of spending years in church, reading my Bible and praying, God showed me I’d never gone after him,’ said Mike Genung. ‘I’d sought women, ministry success, money, Bible knowledge – but not the Lord himself.’

Mike Genung, founder of Blazing Grace.

A radical change in lifestyle not only saved his marriage but led him on a mission to help men and women similarly addicted, with the formation of the charity Blazing Grace, exhibitors at CRE 25.

‘Surveys show that two-thirds of Christian men view porn, and those are just the honest ones,’ he said. ‘Many Christian women struggle with this, too – the fastest-growing segment when it comes to viewing pornography.’

The Road to Grace video series features six sessions which can be for personal use, presented in churches or used within study groups. The sessions feature:

  • Mike’s own story
  • The physical, emotional and spiritual effects of pornography on a man and his wife
  • Action steps for men for recovery and healing
  • The road to healing for the man’s wife and marriage
  • Spiritual warfare and breaking the power of lies
  • Youth and the Church

The videos were produced in the UK by Monkeynut Studios – a fellow exhibitor at CRE – and are introduced by British singer and actress Deryn Edwards.

An author of six books, Mike said: ‘Over the years “I have no one to talk to” are often the first words from those who come to us at Blazing Grace. Many don’t have a prayer life. Some don’t even know how to pray. Many have been wounded or spiritually abused by their churches and complain that church leaders avoid difficult issues.’

Mike’s books will also be available at CRE 25 and he will be available to talk to anyone who is either struggling with issues relating to pornography or knows someone else who facing similar problems.

• Blazing Grace are on stand K5 at CRE 25

CRE 2025

To book a stand at CRE 25, contact:
James Batterbee
T: 0161 240 4500

About the author

Dave Hall author