A bookshop manager is launching an online, three-night comedy festival (June 16-18) to support comedians unable to work during lockdown.
Among those taking part will be Adrian Plass, Tony Vino, Anna Nicholson, Paul Kerensa, Nicola Houghton, Stephen Cookson and Yazz Fetto. Each evening will be hosted by Andy Kind, who has been a professional stand-up comedian since 2005 and won the Anything for Laffs award that year. He has also authored a number of books.
‘A bit of humour is badly needed during these days of isolation, when many are unable to get out and feel depressed,’ said Steve Barnett, 54, manager of St Andrews’ Christian Bookshop in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire – regular exhibitors at CRE. ‘I was listening to The Folk Show on BBC Radio 2 when a music festival online was mentioned as a fun way to raise money to help musicians with no gigs. I thought of the many comedians I have befriended when exhibiting at major Christian festivals.’
People are invited to send Steve a recording of their favourite joke. Each night starts at 7pm, which will last for about an hour, can be accessed from St Andrews’ Christian Bookshop.
‘While access is free there will be opportunities for those who wish to donate to help the comedians and also key Christian charities which are also feeling the pinch as so much is quite rightly being directed to the NHS,’ added Steve, whose own shop remains shut during lockdown.
• More information: Email Steve Barnett, or call on 07889 02058
Dates for your diary
CRE South West 2021 – 17-18 March 2021 Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021 – 12-14 October 2021 Sandown Park, Surrey
Christian Resources Exhibition
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Crank Road
St Helens
WA11 7RQ
Christian Resources Exhibition is a limited company Reg No. 02549188
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