At a time when one in three of all UK school pupils have been offered drugs, the chances are that many of the young people in your church have already been targeted.
So says Sarah Brighton, CEO of Hope UK, in her CRE At Home 2020 seminar Drugs and the Church.
‘If this is the case, have you considered how they will manage the situation?’ she says. ‘Do you just leave them to get on with it or is there something you can do to help them before it happens?
‘It’s nice to think your church doesn’t have a problem but most church members are living in the wider world and sadly are not exempt from coming into contact with and possibly using drugs.’
In her seminar Sarah explains:
For more than 160 years, Hope UK have equipped young people to make drug*-free choices (including legal substances such as alcohol and cigarettes), working with groups and individuals in formal and informal settings helping them develop the knowledge and skills they need to live healthy lives.
‘Our aim at Hope UK is that we will be so good at our work that young people will be equipped to deal with the issues around drugs (and other areas) that they can make healthy choices for themselves and won’t need to be “rescued” later in life,’ says Sarah.
See the CRE At Home resources guide!
CRE South West 2021
23-24 June 2021
Westpoint, Exeter
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12-14 October 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey
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