A third of people living with dementia felt like ‘giving up’ during lockdown, according to research by the Alzheimer’s Society.
And three in ten went for at least four days without a significant conversation with others.
‘For carers and churches serving older people, knowing how to support those impacted by dementia can be incredibly difficult,’ said Louise Morse, a cognitive behavioural therapist and expert in dementia. She has written an information pack, Putting the Pieces Together, full of insight into dementia and related illnesses.
As well as practical information, the pack centres on the spiritual well-being of those living with dementia, and those caring for them. It is threaded through with the biblical principle that the person always remains – regardless of cognition or capacity. It also covers information and guidance at the point of diagnosis, support for the caregiver and ways to make the home safe for those living with dementia.
‘When dementia comes into your life you need all the information you can get – but you don’t have time to read a book about it,’ said Louise. ‘Secular advice springs from the understanding that we are simply the sum of our parts but within a Christian context we are eternal beings in human bodies.’
Click here for more information about the pack which costs £12.
Louise, who works with the Pilgrims’ Friend Society, has also recorded a seminar offering practical and spiritual support for dementia caregivers, on CRE TV. You can watch it here.
• Pilgrims’ Friend Society are exhibiting at CRE National (12-14 October 2021, Sandown Park, Surrey) and CRE South West (23-24 Feb 2022, Westpoint, Exeter)
CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021
12-14 October 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey
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