Looking to enter the age of streaming in a traditional place of worship? ICS Furniture may have the perfect and subtle answer.
St Paul’s, Slough, is located just north of the town centre and was built more than 100 years ago. Of traditional high Anglican style, it is faced internally and externally with stunning red brick and stone columns.
‘By creating a new main entrance in the south wall of the side chapel, the chapel and chancel has become a new foyer and hub for the building,’ explained Martha Clancy, market development manager at ICS. ‘The nave remains as the worship space with a new dais and seating. This creates more usable space and a better organised building.’
Designed by fellow CRE exhibitors JBKS Architects of Oxfordshire, the traditional church pews were replaced with the ICON 40 chairs (main picture) from ICS Furniture. The chair answered the need to create a more usable space. The intentional mixture of chairs with cross carvings and plain backs adds a further style dimension to the project.
And ICS also designed and crafted a discreet, eye-friendly sound desk (pictured above) to house the equipment required during services and events –a much-needed resource in this new age of services streamed live on the Internet.
ICS Furniture and JBKS Architects are exhibiting at CRE National (12-14 October 2021, Sandown Park, Surrey)
CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021
12-14 October 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey
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