The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a legal framework for keeping everyone’s personal data safe.
It requires companies to have robust processes in place for handling and storing personal information. It’s also designed to protect us as individuals from being contacted by organisations without our express permission. However, the details are still a mystery to many people, so we asked Andrew Horler of CRE exhibitor AMDH Services, to record a seminar for CRE At Home 2020 which explains how your church can get on top of GDPR. Listed below are five key areas you need to consider.
Do you know what constitutes personal data? If you don’t understand what personal data is, it’s very difficult to ensure you meet your obligations concerning it.
Do you know what personal data you hold? This could be data about people who attend church, kids’ clubs, men’s breakfasts or even people in the local community. This includes names, email addresses, phone numbers and financial information on how they support the work of the church. You must understand what data you hold, where you keep it and who has access to it.
Do the people about whom you hold personal data know you have their data and why? You can’t just keep personal data because you might have a use for it in the future. You need to keep it only for a specific reason or reasons and you must have told the people whose data you are keeping what this reason is.
Is the personal data you hold held securely and kept only for as long as you need it? You cannot keep personal data about someone indefinitely but only for as long as you need it based on the reasons you gave when you collected it. You must hold it in a secure manner which means you must intentionally control access to it.
Do your staff know their responsibilities regards data protection? Your staff and volunteers should understand the UK data protection act and the GDPR along with what data you hold and why you hold it. They must understand what they can and cannot do with that data.
Andrew’s seminar is just one of more than 20 that will be available, at no cost, on CRE TV – as part of CRE At Home 2020
See the CRE At Home resources guide!
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