In this time of struggle and challenge, nine sayings of Jesus will help us reconfigure what’s important in the world.
So says author Mark Scandrette, who suggests the sayings – or ‘beats’ – invite us to see things differently. Captured in the Sermon on the Mount, the beatitudes offer a Ninefold Path to what it truly means to be human.
‘The only way to really experience fullness of life is by learning to apply the words of Christ to the messy details of our lives,’ said Mark. ‘There is a huge gap between how Christ calls us to live and how we actually live. The path addresses that gap in gentle and life-giving ways, exploring the way of Jesus with curiosity.’
In a world crying out for change, Mark, who is also the Ninefold Path facilitator, believes the beatitudes offer a way to make change happen, starting with ourselves.
Revd Alexandra Lilley, of St George’s, Tufnell Park, London, said: ‘I really recommend the path as a way to refresh our understanding of how to live the life that Christians are called to – being the hands and feet of Jesus.’
The project is an initiative of Lifewords, who want people everywhere to experience the Bible as good news for their lives and for the world. The Ninefold Path Notebook is now available at just £15 for a pack of five. Click here to find more, order resources, and access free online content.
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