In this darkest of years, a new film can be used by churches and individuals to reflect the wonderful news that God sent light into the world (John 1.9).
Produced by Stew Smith, CPO’s new chief creative officer, Share The Light is a Christmas present to us all from the organisation.
‘When Stew joined us in August, he was asked to address the question “What will Christmas 2020 be like?”’ said Alan Hare, CPO’s chief executive officer. ‘Three months later we have his answer! We are delighted to invite you to join in our Share The Light campaign.’
The film shows Christians spreading light and bringing hope and love into our world. They do that in many ways – with friends and family, at work and in their communities.
‘The film has had an extremely positive reaction,’ said Alan. ‘The CEO of one well-respected Christian charity described it as “absolutely stunning. It grabs your heart and is a work of art… executed to perfection.”’
Churches and individuals can also personalise the campaign by using a QR activation code that links to the film and to up to two different weblinks or to a page with a specific message.
‘Some churches have already used this to link to their home page and/or their live stream page,’ said Alan. ‘Alternatively, it can link to a page with a Christmas message for everyone who has that QR code.’
A range of social media clips can also be used to share the campaign more broadly and swiftly.
To see the film click here
CRE South West 2022
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12-14 October 2021
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