An evangelistic booklet called ‘Jesus Unmasked: Fact-Checking the World’s Greatest Influencer’ is already into its second print run.
Written by Andrew Halloway, editor of national evangelistic newspaper Good News, the booklet was only published last year but sold out within six months. Specifically designed for churches and individuals to give away to non-Christians, Jesus Unmasked tackles the effects of a recent survey which shows that only 54 per cent of the UK population are sure that Jesus was a real human being. Those who believe Jesus is a mythical or fictional character has risen from 22 per cent to 28 per cent. Only 49 per cent of those aged 18-24 believe in the historicity of Jesus.
‘There’s always a need to share the good news about Jesus in a way that is contemporary, fresh and relevant,’ said Andrew, ‘so this booklet is written in today’s language and illustrated throughout. We live in a society where most people know very little about Jesus. What they do know is often inaccurate because of the untruths that are pushed around by atheists on the internet. Yet, as the Talking Jesus survey showed, one in three non-Christians want to know more about Jesus Christ. I’ve written the booklet to counter false impressions that many have innocently taken on board.’
Step-by-step, the booklet tackles arguments about the Bible being written long after Jesus lived (and inaccurate) or written by a biased Church. It shows there is plenty of historical evidence to back up the Gospel accounts. Jesus Unmasked also shows why Jesus’ life and teaching, and ultimately resurrection, form a strong argument that he is the son of God. At the end the reader is challenged to consider Jesus and discover a relationship with him for themselves.
Jesus Unmasked can be read in full here and costs £1 for one copy or 80p each if ordered in a pack of 5 or 20, plus p&p. Email: to order.
With more than 30 years in Christian publishing behind him, Andrew will be at CRE Midlands in November to talk about the booklet and his monthly publication, the Good News newspaper, which offers a selection of easy-to-read articles with testimonies and helpful material for non-Christians. Thousands of copies are given away in door-to-door ministries and in personal evangelism.
• The Good News newspaper is on stand C15 at CRE Midlands 2023
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