Fired up during lockdown: how to keep your church on mission

ByDave Hall

Fired up during lockdown: how to keep your church on mission

How to keep a locked-down church on mission is a short video from the initiator of Back to Church Sunday.

‘During these unprecedented times, something significant is happening in our communities,’ said Michael Harvey, also director of the National Weekend of Invitation. ‘More are recognising that life is not guaranteed, we are not masters of our own destiny and life is fragile and death more real that we would wish. More are praying. More are “visiting” church through streamed services. More are open to a loving Christian approach. 

‘This video offers everyone a simple approach to asking God who he is nudging them to contact – and experience his help as they do so.’

Michael describes the approach as a ‘spiritual practice’, called ACORN, with each letter standing for a step in a simple process.

It has already been enthusiastically received from several church leaders including Rev. Richard Heard of St Francis, West Bessacarr, who said: ‘I am writing to the whole congregation with a link to this video and strongly encourage people to watch it. If lots of people get involved, I can see it making a really big difference.’

Michael Harvey added: ‘This is what every church leader could encourage their members – young and old – to do each day during lockdown. It is about more than reaching out to communities, friends and families. It is also a way to help us grow as disciples.’

See the video: How to keep a locked-down church on mission

Dates for your diary

CRE South West 2021 – 17-18 March 2021 Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021 – 12-14 October 2021 Sandown Park, Surrey 

About the author

Dave Hall author