Join 100 other leaders on a free tour of the Holy Land


Join 100 other leaders on a free tour of the Holy Land

Visit CRE 2017 and join a free, seven-day tour of the Holy Land!

That’s the offer for up to 100 visitors to CRE 2017.

‘We invite any minister, pastor or priest who heads up a congregation to come to our stand and provide us with their contact details,’ said Harold Darefsky of United European Airlines Tours. ‘This isn’t a competition! We will then simply invite 100 to join one of our scheduled Holy Land pilgrimages, with the condition that, if they are satisfied with the tour, they will return with a group.

‘All those invited will have to do is pay for their flight to Ben Gurion Tel Aviv airport in Israel. Hotel accommodation, in ensuite rooms, and all travel by modern coach in the Holy Land will be free of charge.’

Places visited will include Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, Qumran, Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee. 

‘We have our own tour manager with all our groups,’ explained Harold. ‘We do not contract an Israel tour operator to do the work for us. We are our own tour operator with our own high standards. The exhilaration you feel when walking on those ancient paths is indescribable. Join us as we visit the holy sites and enjoy the communion of pilgrims from all the world.’

United European Airlines Tours are on Stand S95 at CRE 2017

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