Journeying from loss to faith and hope

ByDave Hall

Journeying from loss to faith and hope

Churches across the UK are witnessing a remarkable mission impact through a programme supporting grieving adults.

The Bereavement Journey® is a series of seven sessions of films and peer group discussion for churches to offer to bereaved people. Originally developed by counsellor Jane Oundjian MBE, the programme is now provided by the charity AtaLoss, exhibitors at CRE 25. Under the leadership of Revd Canon Yvonne Tulloch, the course has been running in a revised form since 2023 – with significant results.

While the first six sessions are without faith content, the seventh and final, optional for participants, gives a Christian response to faith questions arising in bereavement. It has been developed by Yvonne. An integral part of the training is the ‘Bereavement Friendly Church’ webinar helping church leaders understand the need and opportunity for bereavement support and the particular challenges associated with bereavement and the Church.

Since its publication in September 2023, The Bereavement Journey has spread to more than 400 locations across the UK and a recent analysis reveals considerable reach beyond church congregations.

  • 89 per cent of course leaders report welcoming participants with no previous church connection
  • 39 per cent of all participants are coming from outside church circles
  • 80 per cent of participants are choosing to attend the optional final session on faith – rising to 83 per cent for courses involving participants with no prior church connection

‘Many years ago, I felt God call me to a new form of mission and I believe this is it,’ said Yvonne. ‘Much like the Alpha Course, we knew we had to prescribe the programme’s delivery and since then, we’ve heard nothing but good reports. It’s very humbling to see the Holy Spirit at work.’

• Ataloss will be on stand E8 at CRE25

CRE 2025

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T: 0161 240 4500

About the author

Dave Hall author