Pandemic sparks transformation of parish magazine

ByDave Hall

Pandemic sparks transformation of parish magazine

In the year of ‘more tech, vicar?’ live streaming has become essential for church services and even the humble church magazine has been digitally transformed.

According to a recent poll by CRE exhibitor, who supply graphics and editorial material to nearly 1800 church publications, many magazines have coped surprisingly well during lockdown. 

In March, the Church of England warned against paper delivery of magazines because of Covid-19. ‘For this reason, parishes are encouraged to look to digital communication…’ said the notice. In response, Parish Pump subscribers report that a quarter of parish magazines ceased publication but around two-thirds went digital or are now producing both printed and digital versions.

Anne Coomes, Parish Pump’s editor, said: ‘It is great news that so many have gone digital – we warmly welcome it. Far from stopping your church magazine production during this crisis, we think it is critical to keep it going. People all over the country are now more isolated from their local church family than they have ever been in their lives.  A church magazine can help keep them in touch with each other.

‘In fact, we hope that many of the churches who at first decided to simply stop their magazines will now reconsider, and at least try the digital option for a few months. Of the hundreds of church magazine editors to have gone digital, many are attracting new readers at this time.’

Click here for more information.

• Parish Pump will be exhibiting at CRE South West 2021 (Westpoint, Exeter, 17-18 Mar) and CRE National 2021 (Sandown Park, Esher, Surrey, 12-14 Oct)

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CRE South West 2021
17-18 March 2021
Westpoint, Exeter

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Sandown Park, Surrey

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Dave Hall author