A real privilege to help nurture faith in times of crisis and point people to Jesus.
That’s how Michael Belcher has summed up his role as marketing manager at publishers Lion Hudson during the pandemic.
‘Being locked in for long periods has meant books have become more important than ever,’ said Michael. ‘We praise God that we are able to continue to publish titles that support and encourage. Covid-19 has served us with a stark reminder of our mortality but we believe some of our new books can help to ease some of the frustration and fear.’
In an intensely personal journal, Malcolm Duncan’s Good Grief guides the reader through grief and loss, examining how it changes us and affirms that God is with us every step of the way.
In a forthcoming title, What Good is God?, Professor Robert White and Reverend Doctor Roger Abbott bring together a variety of voices to explore how we respond to tragedies, from both practical and faith-led viewpoints.
The children’s publishing team has listened to requests from parents, teachers and children’s workers for books that open a dialogue with children about mental health and emotional well-being. To that end, Debbie Duncan has launched God Cares, a new series for children which provides a biblical approach to discussing emotions and behaviour.
The series works at two levels: illustrated readers aimed at 5 to 7-year-olds and chapter books aimed at 8+ years. Additionally, The Good Thing About Bad Days by Margaret McAllister is a warm, practical book full of advice, suggested activities and encouraging messages to help young children (5 to 9 years) express and cope with their emotions.
Click here for more information. If you sign up to Lion Hudson’s newsletter you will receive a free ebook.
• Lion Hudson are exhibiting at CRE National 2021 (12-14 Oct)
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CRE South West 2021 – 17-18 March 2021
Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021 – 12-14 October 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey
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WA11 7RQ
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