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ByDave Hall

The tabloid that’s tried and tested at bringing good news

More than 74,000 copies of the UK’s most popular evangelistic newspaper, Good News, were distributed over Easter – meaning that at least 150,000 people had the chance to read about Jesus with each copy likely to be seen by at least two people, probably three.

Used by evangelical churches of all denominations across the country, plus individual Christians and missions, the full-colour, tabloid-style paper has caught the imagination of those who want to share the Gospel with their neighbours.

Good News, available at CRE 24, features the testimonies of both well-known and ‘ordinary’ Christians – showing how God transforms lives, as well as stories highlighting the positive work of churches and Christian charities.

Easter edition of Good News

Run by a small team of dedicated Christians as a registered charity, Good News started in 2001 and has been edited by Andrew Halloway since 2007.

Andrew says: ‘Good News distribution is a tried and tested method of enthusing congregations about evangelism and engaging them in reaching people in their area. From the regular flow of commitments to Christ we see from the decision coupons returned to us, plus the anecdotes from churches who see how effectively Good News provides opportunities for evangelistic conversations, we know it works.

‘We give the glory to God for that, as we support churches in their task to reach the unchurched.’

Carl Carmody, head of Challenge evangelistic newspapers worldwide, believes churches need to re-envision their people to reach their friends and neighbours.

‘If you are not using a give-away newspaper like Good News to reach your community, how are you doing it?’ said Carl. ‘How else are you going to energise the whole church to join in personal evangelism?

‘Good News is a simple way to begin talking to people behind closed doors, and to graciously sow a seed into a home and a heart.’

• Good News will be at CRE 24

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Six million reasons for new dyslexia-friendly Bible

For the first time ever, the whole Bible has been made available in a dyslexia-friendly format. 

The Bible Society initiative began in 2015 with the book of Psalms and the Gospel of Mark. It’s now been completed with the publication of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. 

People with dyslexia can struggle to read and write easily because they don’t deal well with text on a page. Around six million people in the UK – one in 10 of the population – are thought to have the condition to some degree or another. Reading the scriptures can be particularly challenging as bibles are often produced on thin paper in densely-printed type. 

The Good News Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly edition

The books in the dyslexia-friendly format are laid out like novels rather than in traditional columns and use shorter paragraphs. The larger, sans serif typeface with more space between the lines helps to reduce visual clutter. The books use thick paper so words don’t show through from the next page and a matt, rather than glossy finish minimises light reflection. Because the dyslexia-friendly series is published in shorter volumes, readers find it easier to navigate them instead of having to find their way through a thick bible.

Clair Natt (seen above), who has dyslexia, said: ‘I struggled reading the Bible because the words are so small and the pages are really thin. I found it really difficult to read; it’s just too complicated for me to comprehend and understand.’

Reading Scripture in the Good News Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly edition, has transformed her experience.

‘It’s more spaced out, the words are bigger and it’s just easier to read,’ she said.

Bible Society’s publishing director Derek Hill said: ‘We want to make the Bible available and accessible to everyone who needs it. We’ve committed resources to this project because it will benefit many people who will be able to discover its treasures for themselves. 

‘People can collect the different books as individuals, or churches might decide to invest in a set. This is a significant achievement and we’re delighted to reach this accessibility milestone.’

The Dyslexia-Friendly range will be available at CRE 24

• The Bible Society are at CRE 24

Photo: Clair Natt with the new Good News Bible: Dyslexia-Friendly edition.

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Mission on the Map: seven down, three to go

Just three stands remain in CRE 2024’s special zone dedicated to mission both at home and abroad.

‘Mission on the Map has worked well at previous CREs,’ said Mike Frith of presenting partner OSCAR. ‘When it’s hard to comprehend what’s going on in the world, there are still many great organisations doing crucial outreach and ministry in difficult places. You can meet some of these at the Marshall Arena in October.’ 

The organisations currently exhibiting in Mission on the Map are:

  • Transform Europe Network
  • Momentum Yes
  • Rural Mission Solutions
  • World Outreach
  • OSCAR (CRE Jobs Board)
  • Formission College
  • CMS

‘We want to help keep mission on the agenda for local churches because when a church ceases to be engaged and involved in mission, it ceases to be the church God has called it to be,’ said Mike. ‘Mission on the Map will introduce some key organisations involved in mission work in the UK and around the world, for you to meet and engage with. Many have resources to help your church raise the profile of mission to both young and old in your congregation.’

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

CRE 2024 in Milton Keynes – join us for lunch and the low-down!

Local church leaders and office holders within striking distance of the town are invited to find out about CRE 2024 – at a special lunch in Milton Keynes on Tue 21 May.

‘In our (almost) 40-year history, we are bringing the exhibition to the area for the first time in October,’ explains CRE owner Steve Goddard. ‘We know from experience that, while some will have visited the exhibition somewhere else at some point over the years, many hundreds will have no idea we even exist!

‘In association with Churches Together in Milton Keynes we are therefore inviting everyone in some form of leadership in their local church to join us for lunch. We will lift the curtain on our plans for CRE 2024 at the Marshall Arena and show how local churches of all denominations and sizes will be resourced in hundreds of new and innovative ways. Even if you live some way from the town, you are still welcome!’

  • Date of leaders’ lunch: Tue 21 May 2024
  • Time: 12.30pm
  • Venue: The Church of Christ the Cornerstone, 300 Saxon Gate Milton Keynes MK9 2ES

The buffet lunch is courtesy of CRE but numbers are limited, so please book your place today by contacting Jenny Brygan: by Friday 19 April. T: 0161 250 2737.

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Where next? Check out the CRE Jobs Board at CRE 2024

Visitors to CRE 2024 will be able to scan OSCAR’s Jobs Board which brings together a variety of work opportunities, paid and voluntary, in churches and with Christian organisations.

‘Whatever stage of life or season you are in, you can usually find opportunities to help you follow your calling and use your gifts to serve the kingdom of God – full-time, part-time or spare-time,’ said OSCAR founder Mike Frith. ‘We will also be on hand to help you explore your options with access to our huge online database of organisations and opportunities.

One grateful user is Stephen Jennings.

‘I spotted a card for Hope UK, to be trained as a drug educator,’ said Stephen. ‘I contacted them and following five months of training, joined the organisation doing just that! Thank you, as I had not heard of Hope UK until I scanned the boards!’ 

The OSCAR Jobs Board is an integral part of Mission on the Map at CRE 2024, where 10 organisations will promote their specific area of mission, home and abroad. More here.

• The OSCAR Jobs Board will be on stand F16 at CRE 2024

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Genesis to stay in the garden of Tywyn

One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of embroidered clothing was born in the beautiful Welsh town of Tywyn – and that’s where founder Mike Stevens wants the company to stay.

Mike started Genesis as a surf shop on the town’s promenade in 1973, selling and hiring surfboards and skateboards. From day one he also sold T-shirts and very soon started printing his own – thanks to a new, state-of-the-art printing machine bought from the USA.

‘The T-shirt printing developed very rapidly following demand from schools, outdoor centres, churches and charities who wanted their own designs produced,’ he recalls. ‘We’ve never looked back and now supply a wide range of clothing, printed or embroidered to clients’ design, throughout the UK and Europe – for companies, events, festivals, promotions, top London shows and still, of course, churches.’

Genesis is now an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) run by company staff. Operating from a 6000 sq ft factory unit on the Pendre Enterprise Park, the company has recently invested in the very latest design printing machine to ensure it remains at the forefront of new technology. The very latest embroidery machine was also purchased a couple of years ago.

‘Our new product catalogue for 2024 is the biggest we have ever produced, featuring a massive choice of clothing and merchandise,’ says Mike. ‘We look forward to introducing our goods to churches at CRE 2024.’

Mike has had many enquiries in recent years from competitors wanting to buy the company.

‘Had I taken that route, however, we would have moved away from Tywyn,’ he explains. ‘Genesis was born in the town and that’s where I want it to stay. By converting the company to an Employee Ownership Trust, the staff now own the business which secures employment in the town for many, many years to come.’

Genesis will be on stand C37 at CRE 2024

Main picture: Genesis founder Mike Stevens presents Roy and Ben Castle with T-shirts at CRE National 1994

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

From rural mission to interactive storytelling, new exhibitors book for CRE 2024

CRE takes place for the first time in Milton Keynes this October (9-10) – and a number of organisations are taking the opportunity to exhibit for the first time as well.

Rural Mission Solutions want to see a vibrant, credible and caring Christian community in every UK village. This might be in the local church (pictured above), or an informal group of Christians drawn from local fellowships. The organisation has a wealth of experience to ensure that strategies are culturally relevant, appropriate and effective. Rural Mission Solutions are part of Mission on the Map at CRE 2024.

Church Services TV help local churches set up systems to stream their services. ‘Through our services parishes help housebound parishioners, people living in nursing homes or those abroad or just feeling lonely, to stay connected with their own church or new churches,’ said David Harvey, a director of the company. More here.

Churches without a regular bookshop can install a pop-up version, thanks to 10ofthose who offer help to churches wanting to distribute good quality Christian books at a competitive price. ‘We’re a ministry that hand picks the best books that hold to the Bible, then we discount them, so more can go out,’ said co-founder Jonathan Carswell. ‘We use our profits to support missions around the world’. More here.

Led by Dr. Michael Youssef, Leading the Way’s international team of experts provides hope that is revolutionising lives here in the UK and around the world. Currently celebrating 35 years of ministry, Leading The Way’s television and radio programmes are broadcast in 28 languages to audiences across six continents.

The Field Studies Council is best known for providing residential and day field trips for those studying biology and geography. The charity organises primary school trips offering first-hand adventures in nature, from day visits to first overnight stays and activity-packed residentials. Secondary school and college courses are tailored to curriculum requirements, with relevant practicals and fieldwork content. 

A project of Frontiers, Momentum Yes focuses on sending teams to live out and share the love of Jesus in Muslim communities where no one has previously made him known. Momentum Yes are part of Mission on the Map at CRE 2024.

Interactive Storyteller’s Tale Trails is a new, interactive, digital, story-based scavenger hunt, which can be carried out in any venue. The first in the series, The Nativity Trail, features eight original illustrations which participants hunt for, scan the attached QR code, and watch a short and entertaining video of one of the characters from the story.

And two returnees…

Go Teach Publications publish Bible teaching material for use with children and young people aged three to 14 years. Go Teach began publishing dated Sunday School materials (under another name) in 1946 and is the longest established producer of such materials in the UK.

Established in the 1970s, Genesis is one of the UK’s most experienced wholesalers of printed and embroidered garments, supplying a massive range of tee shirt styles, hoodies, polo shirts and much more, available in Fairtrade and organic cotton. The company last exhibited at CRE way back in 2016 – so to us they’re as good as new! More here.

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Your church service, beamed worldwide

More than 500 churches now reach audiences in 228 countries and territories – thanks to Church Services TV (CSTV).

David Harvey, a director of the company, said: ‘Our streaming services help parishes reach housebound parishioners, people living in nursing homes or abroad or those just feeling lonely. They can stay connected with their own church or find new churches online.

‘CSTV was designed for non-technical users and can be remotely controlled from smart phones or tablets. This means authorised church personnel can turn the system on or off, set up schedules and recordings and track viewer statistics.

‘We provide embedded players on church websites and also on Facebook and YouTube automatically, making CSTV the most versatile and user-friendly application available.

‘We believe our range of services will far outstrip anything else available to your parish and, in our opinion, is the most comprehensive package available. We work with churches, taking them through every step of the process to make sure they are confident and happy with our top-level service.’

• Church Services TV will be on stand E8 at CRE 2024

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

Fellinghams, Jones and Bowater to lead worship strand at CRE 2024

Musical maestro Roger Jones will join fellow worship leaders Chris Bowater (pictured above) and Lou and Nathan Fellingham at CRE 2024.

Roger became a Christian in the late 1960s through the work of Christian Endeavour but his vision to write musicals began as head teacher at Aston Manor School (now an Academy) in 1973. The school choir performed Jerusalem Joy – a performance he wrote around Jesus’ ride into the holy city on a donkey.

Roger Jones

He then wrote five more musicals before going full time into Christian music, becoming director of Christian Music Ministries, publishers of his music and other books. Birmingham-born, Roger also hosts Heart and Soul, a two-hour weekly programme on Brumside Radio, presenting church music. In between, he chats to guests.

‘CRE Midlands in November 23 was a huge success!’ said Roger. ‘So many folks and so churches came together, meeting and sharing with each other. I’m sure CRE 2024 at Milton Keynes will be just as great an occasion.’

Lou Fellingham
Nathan Fellingham

Lou and Nathan Fellingham are tireless in their pursuit to write and record powerful songs that lift heads and stir hearts. An internationally-known worship leader, Lou has recorded 10 albums and is known for her prophetic edge and distinctive voice. Part of Emmanuel Church in Brighton, the Fellinghams are actively involved in leading worship there. An accomplished musician, Nathan is also a producer, speaker, pianist and writer. His passion is to combine rich theology with soulful melody.

For nearly 50 years Chris Bowater has been at the heart of the contemporary worship revolution in churches in the UK and many other countries across the world. He is constantly seeking to explore the cutting edge of music and his albums have reflected the strong classical, hymnology and jazz influences of his roots as well as his desire to maintain the best of musical and lyricist traditions.  

Chris served on team as worship pastor at New Life Church, Lincoln, now Alive Church and more recently as senior pastor at New Life Church, Sleaford. He lives in Market Harborough and is currently part of the Market Harborough Community Church. 

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.

ByDave Hall

‘Impossible dream’ comes true, 117,000 times and counting

Flying over Malawi in 1998, Steven Loots prayed that every village and town he saw through the aeroplane window could have a church with a pastor and mission to reach others.

‘The words uttered in that tiny plane gave birth to a vision of such magnitude that at first I thought it was an impossible dream,’ Steven explained. ‘But slowly, as I prayed over and over, asking the Lord for these small African villages, he confirmed what I was to do for the next few decades.’

Steven Loots of Harvesters Ministries

Harvesters began by working with established churches, led by faithful men and women who could initiate church planting in the surrounding areas. These churches, known as hubs, were used to train people to share their faith and disciple others.

The Hub Church Planting Model took shape in Lilongwe, Malawi and Chingola, Zambia, with just one person in each place. The first year saw 27 new churches, and by the third year, 125 new churches had been established through evangelism and discipleship.

Harvesters Ministries has now blossomed from a small family enterprise to a global movement with offices and staff spread over five continents. As of early 2024, more than 117,000 churches have been planted, 34,000 student pastors are enrolled, and Harvesters is operating in more than 85 countries, teaching its curriculum in over 64 languages.

‘The huge numbers are exciting,’ said Steven, ‘but best of all is the fact that you can go to a small church in a village far from the city and find believers who are being discipled, who love God and who read and study the word of God and apply it, and then lead other people to Christ and disciple them.’

After 20 years pastoring churches in Wales and Cornwall, Glen Chaplin (see video interview below) became manager of Harvesters UK and will be on the organisation’s stand at CRE 2024.

‘I was on a church mission team and worked with Harvesters Ministries to plant churches in Brazil and Mozambique,’ he said. ‘It was a logical move to take up a role in such a wonderful worldwide mission. From pastoring one church, I now have a role in helping hundreds!’

In 2024, Harvesters aims to plant an additional 35,000 churches, continuing to train pastors, win converts, make disciples and deliver God’s word. At CRE 2024 you will find out how your church can get involved.

‘We are humbly grateful God’s grace and favour,’ said Steven. ‘And now we invite you to journey with us, pray for us and support us – for the work is not done.’

Harvesters are on stand P23 at CRE 2024

Link to video:

Main photo: Harvesters’ Glen Chaplin is interviewed by Elliott Frisby of Monkeynut Audiobooks at CRE Midlands 23

CRE 2024

Tickets for CRE 2024 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.