The Bible has a wonderfully rich, life-changing message and Walk Through the Bible brings it to life through unique, fun, live events. Experiencing the ‘big picture’ of scripture will help you make sense of the storyline and encourage you to keep digging deeper into God’s Word. Once you’ve seen how everything fits together, it is impossible to go back. Take your first small step to Walk Through the Bible (stand S141) and take one giant leap to greater biblical knowledge.
The daily programme is:
11am – Bible in a Nutshell
When people see how the Bible fits together, they are more likely to read it.Come and see how we teach Joshua and Judges.
12 noon – Bringing the Bible to Life
Discover the syllabus-friendly way we teach Genesis and inspire children in schools.
1pm – Bible in a Nutshell
When people see how the Bible fits together, they are more likely to read it.Come and see how we teach 1 and 2 Kings.
2pm – Bringing the Bible to Life
Discover the syllabus-friendly way we teach 1 and 2 Kings and inspire children in schools.
3pm – Bible in a Nutshell
When people see how the Bible fits together, they are more likely to read it. Come and see how we teach the Intertestamental Period.
Schedule repeated each day of CRE National 2019.