Safe as houses? Church youth work in your home

Dr Sam Richards, United Refomed Church
Weds 9 Oct, 12.30-1.00
Talks 3, 1st floor balcony

Using homes for youth fellowship groups and youth activities has been the backbone of Christian youth work for generations. Why do some people think this should stop? How can we bring best practice to youth work in homes to do all we can to make it safe?

In this seminar you will:

  • Hear some positive reasons to use your home in youth work
  • Understand the real and practical concerns
  • Be shown examples of best practice
  • Be offered links to guidance from Churches Together in England
  • Receive opportunities to contribute to the debate and research about youth work in homes

Talks programme at CRE 24

The Talks Programme is free to CRE visitors

Tickets for CRE 24 are available now!

Organisations considering exhibiting at CRE 2024 should contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306 (E: Click here for a brochurefloor plan and price list.