The good, the better and the best from the book of Ecclesiastes

Michael Penny, Open Bible Trust
Thur 10 Oct, 12.30-1.00
Talks 1 (sponsored by Action Planning)

Ecclesiastes sometimes has a bad press. It was written during an affluent age when many believed in ‘God’ but few had a relationship with him. Sound familiar?

In this seminar you will:

  • Consider what is genuinely meaningful in this life
  • Reflect on whether Ecclesiastes is really saying everything is meaningless
  • Study Ecclesiastes’ views on what is good, better and best
  • Understand how much of Ecclesiastes applies to us in the 21st century
  • Consider how much we can apply to the nominal Christian, agnostic or atheist in the 21st Century

Talks programme at CRE 24

The Talks Programme is free to CRE visitors

Tickets for CRE 24 are available now!

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