The Bereavement Journey: unlocking loss and transforming lives

Revd Nicky Grey, AtaLoss
Thur 10 Oct, 2.00-2.30
Talks 1 (sponsored by Action Planning)

The Bereavement Journey is burgeoning across the UK. In this seminar Revd Nicky Grey, a prison chaplain and head of church engagement at AtaLoss, will explain its remarkable effectiveness and popularity

In this seminar you will:

  • Understand the importance of processing loss for future wellbeing
  • Appreciate how suppressed grief can lead to damaging outcomes
  • Be shown an outline of The Bereavement Journey programme run by Christians
  • Discover the reasons for The Bereavement Journey’s popularity with church leaders and the public
  • Hear some examples from church and prison contexts of how The Bereavement Journey unlocks unresolved loss

Talks programme at CRE 24

The Talks Programme is free to CRE visitors

Tickets for CRE 24 are available now!

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