The Word’s out! Acts of the Apostles next to get comic treatment

ByDave Hall

The Word’s out! Acts of the Apostles next to get comic treatment

The next Word for Word Bible Comic will feature the Acts of the Apostles – unedited and untamed!

As a 168-page graphic novel, it will combine the words with in-depth historical research to make the illustrations as accurate as possible.

‘This is not the first comic to portray biblical stories,’ explains creator Simon Amadeus Pillario, ‘but unlike its predecessors, it will not abridge any of the text or attempt to “reinvent” any of the stories.’

Word for Word founder and artist Simon Amadeus Pillario

The project is being funded through Kickstarter.

‘I’ve already run and fulfilled several very successful Kickstarters to create our first instalments in the series,’ says Simon, who has an honours degree in Graphic and 3D Design and is a small group leader within the New Frontiers movement in Bristol. ‘The brain can absorb visual information 60,000 times faster than text, so with visual media like this, aspects of culture, history, locality and ethnicity as well as meanings, subtleties and emotions are conveyed instantly.’

In a fast-paced visual age of instant movies and TV-on-demand, Word for Word grabs the attention of those unlikely to sit down and read a dusty old book, let alone the Bible.

According to Simon, the primary consumers within the exploding comics market today are, surprisingly, not children but men aged 27-36 and women aged 17-26.

‘This series targets that market by using the multifaceted ancient narrative, without simplifying it, watering it down or attempting to repackage it in a child-friendly way,’ says Simon.

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Dave Hall author