Why unity does not have to mean uniformity

ByDave Hall

Why unity does not have to mean uniformity

Currently celebrating its 40th year, the Open Bible Trust is promoting one of its most important books at next week’s CRE 24 – Unity in Christ.

Written by W M Henry and Michael Penny, one reviewer stated: ‘If a Scottish Baptist and a Welsh Salvationist can work together on a book about Christian unity, and allow an Anglican to design the cover, there is hope for the church!’

The first part of the book, written by Henry, majors on ‘oneness’, and Jesus’ prayer for his disciples ‘that they may be one as we are one’ (John 17:11). He also describes various pictures of ‘oneness’ given by the Lord. The word ‘unity’ only occurs twice in the Bible, both in Ephesians. The first, ‘The unity of the Spirit’ (Ephesians 4:3) is a God-given, God-created unity which Christians are told to keep or guard. The basis of this unity is that when we believe the gospel of salvation, we are sealed with the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Michael Penny of the Open Bible Trust

Michael, who has been chair of Churches Together in Reading for 14 years, said: ‘I am a great believer in unity, but not uniformity. People like different types of Christians music, different postures for prayer, different translations of the Bible. However, these differences are not deficiencies. They add to the rich diversity there is in Christianity. If we believe that Jesus is our Saviour, he binds us together and we are one in the Spirit. If we can love one another as he loves us, that may be the answer to his prayer that ‘they may be one as we are one.”’

Michael was one of a team of eight which launched the Open Bible Trust and was its first administrator and editor before moving to America in 1991 to pastor a church. He returned to the UK in 1999 and in 2007 took up the reigns of administrator and editor of the mission again.

He will speak at CRE 24 on ‘The good, the better and the best from the book of Ecclesiastes’ (12.30pm, Thu 10 Oct). More here.

• The Open Bible Trust are on stand A21 at CRE 24

Main photo: Open Bible Trust will promote their book Unity in Christ at CRE 24

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Dave Hall author