Why is the UK still sending missionaries?
Mike Frith, Mission on the Map and OSCAR
Wednesday 8 November, 12-12.30
With so many recent changes, why are we still sending missionaries across the world? Mike Frith of OSCAR hosts a discussion with a panel of representatives from Mission on the Map.
In this seminar you will:
• Find out if missonaries are still being sent from the UK and why
• Explore the UK’s need for receiving missionaries
• Hear examples of when the cost of sending international missionaries is justified
• Discover online opportunities for mission
• Find out how those that send missionaries are changing how they do it
Talks programme at CRE Midlands 2023
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James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 james@creonline.co.uk
Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 carol@creonline.co.uk
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