She grew up in an impoverished home but now, with support from her local church and Compassion projects, Patience is taking positive steps away from a life of poverty.
The life story of this girl from Uganda will be told in an interactive audio and visual display at CRE National 2019, demonstrating what life can be like for children living below the poverty line in a developing country.
Taking up 156 square feet of trailer space, the Compassion Experience is free to enter for all attending the exhibition. Inside, Patience tells her story of growing up in an impoverished home. The exhibit goes on to show how she has overcome these challenges with support from her local church, alongside Compassion projects embedded in her community. These both ensured she received a quality education, had enough to eat, was given emotional and spiritual support, and could access medical care if she required.
She is now giving back to her own community, taking positive steps away from a life of poverty.
Justin Dowds, CEO of child development charity Compassion UK, said: ‘When people think of poverty, they often think of the lack of material things, but actually, poverty is the lack of freedom to make meaningful choices. Poverty narrows children’s horizons and undermines their ambitions. Through our holistic child development programme, Compassion stirs hope in children. You can witness that hope coming to life through the Compassion Experience.’
The charity has more than 60 years’ experience of working with some of the world’s poorest children. At present nearly two million children attend Compassion’s church-based projects in 25 of the world’s poorest countries.
• Compassion are on stand S39 at CRE National 2019
Who’s exhibiting at CRE National 2019?
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