From the retired golfer to a young sailor, churches should find out who plays sport in their congregations – and help them reach out to fellow sports people.
‘More than ten million people play competitive sport each week across the UK and that is a huge mission field,’ said Margy Dry, events co-ordinator for CRE North exhibitor Christians in Sport. ‘We exist to reach the world of sport for Christ and help Christians reach those in their local area with the good news. People who are keen on sport can be missionaries in the gym, on the running track – wherever they are.’
The organisation helps equip Christian sportspeople to share the gospel with teammates.
‘We seek to partner with and encourage churches,’ explained Margy. ‘Our priority is to see sportspeople maturing in Christ in their local church and being supported to shine for him in their local sports clubs and teams.’
Training sessions help members live out and share the gospel and there’s advice on hosting quizzes, tournaments and big-screen events to invite teammates to.
‘Our staff can also provide full support and speakers are available upon request for both training and guest events,’ said Margy, adding ‘We realise that no two churches are the same, but we would love to help you think through what sports mission might look like in your context. Chat to our representative at CRE North for advice and information.’
• Christians In Sport are on stand A36 at CRE North
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> See the seminar programme for CRE North 2019
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?
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