To the uninformed eye it’s just another half-built brick building – but to thousands of people in the centre of Malawi, it’s a potential life-saver.
CRE National 2019 exhibitor Starfish Malawi already provide essential healthcare for children at their Glad Tidings Orphan Care Centre, but the government medical clinician is not licensed to care for adults. Free healthcare clinics are not close to the villages, which means that any adult who needs medical attention will have to walk 12 kilometres to the nearest free clinic and 12 kilometres back. If they are fortunate they might be able to afford a bicycle taxi, but most will walk. However, the very sick will not be able to walk and many will die from their illness as a result.
‘Two years ago the clinician told us that he feels helpless when he sees a mother who is ill bringing her child for attention, knowing that he cannot care for the mother,’ said Starfish Malawi’s Peter Bell. ‘He asked us if they could consider building an adult health clinic – a big ask!’
After prayerful consideration, Starfish believed that God wanted them to open a free adult health clinic for outpatients.
‘It was a big project but within a few months the project was fully funded,’ said Peter. ‘In May this year the building started. The health clinic will serve four villages where approximately 13,000 people live. We hope to open later this year. God has also provided in an amazing way for the ambulance that Starfish needed to transport the patients. Funds were given and the ambulance is already on site and being used for the children. We are so grateful to God that he has enabled this clinic to become a reality, as it will transform the lives of those who are ill and may well save lives.’
• Starfish Malawi are on stand FC30 at CRE National 2019
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