A friendly nurse pointed Christopher Fletcher to the Bible and changed the course of his life – but signing on for a correspondence course took his Christian experience to another level.
‘I was reading a commentary by William MacDonald, a tutor at Emmaus Bible School,’ said Christopher. ‘I looked up the establishment online and found out about their correspondence course. I learned more in the first few weeks than at all the other places I have studied. The way the lessons are planned is very informative, turning difficult doctrines into practical understanding.
‘Thanks to the training, I have done a lot of preaching in prisons and churches and the school has really helped me to pass on what I have learned to others.’
Emmaus started in 1942 and was introduced to the UK in 1951. Since then, more than one million courses have been distributed.
Jonathan Hughes took over as UK director six years ago – leaving his work as a clinical biochemist in hospital laboratories to lead the Emmaus vision of making Bible study accessible and understandable to thousands. More than 10,000 courses are distributed each year – about 40 per cent to those in the prison system.
‘All the courses are free of charge,’ said Jonathan. ‘Our students all study from home and at their own pace. Their work is graded by tutors who take a personal and pastoral care in each student. We also supply multiple copies to church leaders who want to use our courses as the basis of their Bible teaching programmes. From personal experience, my fellowship has massively benefitted from this approach.
‘The prison ministry means that chaplains and other visitors regularly see the evidence of changed lives formed in the most difficult of circumstances. CRE Midlands 23 will be an ideal opportunity to meet new students and make connections with church leaders who have not heard of the Emmaus Bible Study books.’
• The Emmaus Bible School is on stand D17 at CRE Midlands 23
Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3
Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: james@creonline.co.uk) or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E: carol@creonline.co.uk)
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WA11 7RQ
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