As the focus continues on carbon footprints, one guilty contributor is likely to be the fossil-fuelled heating appliance in your church.
Helping churches find the best available heating system is CRE exhibitor Dunphy Heating with a track record going back to 1973.
‘We are able to offer various different heating solutions,’ explains director Warren Taylor. ‘These include heat pumps, hybrid systems which use a mixture of gas boilers, heat pumps, solar panels and our ever-popular electric radiator system which works just like a traditional heating system but uses electricity, so no gas boiler is required. All our systems are expertly installed by our directly employed engineers.’
Warren points out, however, that careful consideration needs to be given when installing heat pumps.
‘They run at a lower temperature to that of a gas boiler so would not work for every church,’ he explains. ‘We can, however, install a hybrid system which uses both a heat pump and gas boiler because not all churches would be able to solely rely on a heat pump. The heat pump would provide approximately 60 per cent of the heat and the gas boiler would provide the rest. Adding solar panels to your roof can effectively turn it into a standalone power station. This gives you freedom to reduce your energy bills.’
Dunphy Heating can also provide electric radiator systems which work like a traditional radiator but aren’t moving water around.
‘Warm up times tend to be 70 per cent quicker than a traditional radiator,’ says Warren. ‘They also retain their heat for up to 45 minutes meaning the system can be turned off sooner. Adding our Wi-Fi control – which works with all systems – means the exact amount of energy is being used as and when the heating is required and can be controlled remotely from anywhere in the world which can save on energy consumption.’
• Dunphy Heating are on stand G1 at CRE Midlands
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St Helens
WA11 7RQ
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