One organisation is determined to make it a cracking Christmas in spite of the limitations brought on by Covid-19.
Faith in Kids supports churches and parents so that children can engage with Jesus Christ and respond to him, having their hearts and minds captured by Christ’s words.
And this year they have created some unique resources to make that happen, including:
‘Let’s step out of our church buildings and celebrate the birth of Christ in ways we would never have considered before!’ said Ed Drew, director of Faith in Kids.
‘Too often churches are losing the hearts and minds of our children. Too many of the children who attend church grow up knowing Bible facts and a long list of Christian behaviours but without a love for Jesus Christ. Faith in Kids wants to see more children engaging with and responding to God personally. Children who are having their hearts and minds informed by Christ’s words, by God’s grace, will grow into teenagers who want to live for him.’
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CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter
CRE National 2021
12-14 October 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey
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Crank Road
St Helens
WA11 7RQ
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