A picturesque Bavarian village will welcome more than half a million visitors next year and one exhibitor at CRE National 2019 wants you to join them.
The world-famous Oberammergau Passion Play was first performed 386 years ago. With neighbouring villages ravaged by the bubonic plague, the villagers vowed to present the drama of Christ’s journey into Jerusalem, his death and resurrection – if the village was spared.
More than 2,000 villagers, an orchestra and a vast stage have enthralled audiences every ten years since.
‘Now is the time to act if you would like book your place as limited space remains on escorted group departures from May to September 2020,’ said McCabe Pilgrimages’ Paul Ellerby. McCabe is one of the only UK travel companies to include top category tickets for the play with accommodation in Oberammergau village itself.
‘You’ll enjoy a one-week holiday, combining a stay in Austria with one or two nights in Oberammergau,’ said Paul. ‘All holidays include an excursion programme with a pilgrimage theme and opportunities for worship.’
• McCabe Pilgrimage are on stand S125 at CRE National 2019
Who’s exhibiting at CRE National 2019?
Book tickets for CRE National 2019
Christian Resources Exhibition
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Crank Road
St Helens
WA11 7RQ
Christian Resources Exhibition is a limited company Reg No. 02549188
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