Richmond offer ‘perfect space’ for holiday fun and relaxation


Richmond offer ‘perfect space’ for holiday fun and relaxation

Space to relax, explore your faith and invest in friendships – that’s the thinking behind Richmond Christian Holidays, exhibitors at CRE 2018. 

‘When God speaks to Moses in Exodus 33:14, he reminds us: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest”. What a joy it is that our heavenly father loves to be with us in relationship and in rest!’ said Richmond Holidays’ Verity McKay.

Richmond offer winter holidays in the French Alps and summer holidays on the Island of Samos and the French Alps.  

‘At Richmond, we believe that a time away of fun and relaxation offers the perfect space to grow deeper with our awesome God in the setting of His beautiful creation! Our times of ministry throughout the holiday are fashioned to give you time to just “be still and know” as the psalmist suggests.

‘Whether you, your family members or friends are looking for adventure or seeking rest, we will tell you more about our holidays at CRE this autumn.’ 

Richmond Christian Holidays are on Stand S63 at CRE 2018

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