Can persecution be a shot in the arm?
Dr David Dean, Barnabas Fund
Wednesday 16 October, 12 noon, Room 1
This seminar will consider the day-to-day reality of the persecution of Christians across the world, and how we in the UK can pray, think, feel and give on their behalf.
In this seminar you will:
• Learn how Barnabas Fund operates as an aid agency for the persecuted churches, channelling funds from Christians, through Christians, to Christians
• Discover how Christians can feel for our persecuted brothers and sisters and pray effectively for them
• Understand how to tackle persecution at its root, considering also the why, and not just the how, of Christian persecution
• Find out how churches can partner with Barnabas Fund to make a practical difference to persecuted Christians
• Learn from the persecuted church and be strengthened in your Christian faith