Death, dying and bereavement
Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Church of England
Thursday 17 October, 11am, Room 2
How to best deal with the effects of bereavement and serve communities in grief.
In this seminar you will:
• Consider how we, as the church, can respond to a national ‘awakening’ to the effects of grief and bereavement. How can we be part of the debate? How can we serve communities in grief?
• Gain insights into work by an innovation consultancy around how we remember online
• Receive information on how the bereaved expect and want to be kept in touch
• Be introduced to a wide range of resources available to churches – tailor-made to increase the number of ways we can reach and support bereaved people
• Discuss the Church of England’s unique role in ministering to the bereaved, which is at the very heart of our vocation