A large proportion of any church technology budget is best spent training the technology team – to get the most out of the system you already have.
So says Kieran Scotchbrook of CRE Midlands exhibitor Rock-Tech.
‘Training is a long-term investment, the fruit of which you will see year after year as skills are passed from existing to new members,’ believes Kieran. ‘Training will help your team run more smoothly. In turn, you will retain more members as they feel able to serve more effectively.’
Rock-Tech visit hundreds of churches across the UK, talking with local leaders about the technological challenges they face.
‘We do find issues with AV systems, but even more regularly we find a skill gap,’ says Kieran. ‘Giving your team knowledge and skills is the most valuable thing we can offer – more than the latest mixing desk, speaker system or microphone.’
Once core skills are learned, a technology team will be able to apply them, time after time, overcoming problem circumstances and Rock-Tech will be at CRE Midlands to introduce a number of free training courses to churches.
‘We also offer personalised training sessions in your own building (if you have one) or at our warehouse, helping you work through the elements that make your services unique,’ says Kieran. ‘Come and talk to us.’
• Rock-Tech are on stand C3 at CRE Midlands 2020
Who’s exhibiting at CRE Midlands 2020
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WA11 7RQ
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