An underfloor heating system fed by air source heat pumps will hugely reduce one ancient church’s carbon footprint per hour of use.
St Mary’s Church in Ely began a major building transformation and turned to longstanding CRE exhibitor Church Build UK for help and advice. That advice played a huge part in the £950k revamp of the 800-year-old, Grade 1 Listed building – to give it a wider local ministry and a long-term positive impact on the health of the building.
Priest in charge, Rev. Chris Hill, said: ‘We’re looking forward to returning to a renewed and transformed space which can be used by the church community – 16 hours a day, seven days a week. It will be wonderful.’
Nigel Walter, the visionary who set up Church Build and is founding director of Archangel Architects, said: ‘Knowing where to start in tackling our climate emergency is challenging. We are on hand to help with advice and guidance. We can suggest actions that nearly all churches can benefit from, even low occupancy places of worship used only on a Sunday. These actions are relatively easy, with relatively fast pay back.’
Church Build produce a checklist suitable for anyone considering a church build project and needing support and inspiration. Representatives will be at CRE National to offer advice. The Church Build UK Facebook group is open to anyone considering a church build project and looking for inspiration from others who have ‘been there and done that’.
‘Come and join the conversation,’ said Nigel. ‘Together we can make a difference!’
• Church Build are on stand I7 at CRE National 2022
Photo: St Mary’s, Ely
CRE Midlands 2023
8-9 November 2023
Cranmore Park, Birmingham
Christian Resources Exhibition
1 and 2 Ellison’s Cottages
Crank Road
St Helens
WA11 7RQ
Christian Resources Exhibition is a limited company Reg No. 02549188
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