It’s time to stop believing that ‘best before’ applies to people as well as food, believes Peter Meadows, programme director of AfterWorkNet.
‘When applied to food, it’s wasting millions, and it’s much the same when applied to lives,’ he maintains. ‘Retirement today presents opportunities and challenges past generations never dreamed of.’
Peter launched the popular Christian youth magazine Buzz (now Christianity) and co-founded Spring Harvest. He will host a series of seminars with Dave Fenton who left teaching to lead youth work at the Keswick Convention and Word Alive. They will impart plenty of good advice in the seminar room behind the AfterWorkNet stand (S155) to those who are about to, or already have retired. Their three seminars will be repeated twice each day. Click here for more information.
‘We must fight the false notion that people of a certain age are no longer valuable,’ says Peter. ‘This faulty labelling is also inflicting cost – in terms of missed opportunities, experiences, richness of life, contributions to society and more. If we are to kill off ‘best before’ on food, which is a plan of the government, let’s kill it off for people too.’
Peter wants us to think of the ‘talents’ that many have accumulated during their working years.
‘Most likely they represent a treasure trove of valuable skills, knowledge and experience,’ he maintains. ‘It was what kept you afloat back then. But what about “now”? Because the call to be faithful stewards of the talents we have doesn’t end with our last pay cheque.’
• AfterWorkNet are on stand S155 at CRE National 2019
• See the AfterWorkNet seminar programme
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