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ByDave Hall

SAT-7: a new narrative for the Middle East

Faith strengthened, love shown, and joy brought – not to a few, but millions.

It isn’t the usual story we hear coming out of the Middle East but SAT-7 UK, who bring life-changing faith and joy to the people of the region through TV and digital media,will be at CRE South West to share how God is changing things.  

‘We’ll invite your church to help write a new chapter, not just for the people of the Middle East and North Africa but for the people of your church, too,’ said Martin Thomas, SAT-7’s director of external engagement.

As a SAT-7 church partneryou choose a people group to support – for example, Arabic children or isolated believers in Iran. You then commit to giving and raising funds for your chosen people group over the following three years. SAT-7 helps connect you with producers and presenters in the region, through live events and pre-recorded programmes. The organisation also helps you and your church community pray for your people group and the SAT-7 team on the ground.

‘We hope that through this partnership, churches willwitness transformed lives, captured through inspiring stories, presentations and resources for the whole church, small groups and young people,’ said Martin. ‘And in the longer term, we hope our partners will be able to visit one of our studios across the region.’

SAT-7 also offers a way you can support a media project – a one-year commitment where you help to raise funds for a flagship media project, focused on impacting a specific people group across the region.

If you’d like to arrange a specific time to meet SAT-7 at CRE South West, contact Julia Jolley at

‘We’re really looking forward to being able to speak with people face to face again,’ said Julia.

• SAT-7 are on stand B33 in Mission on the Map at CRE South West

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Church rotas: new software to make them simple

Love them or loathe them, rotas are a vital part of church life – and now there’s a solution to help make them hassle free.

Cambron Software’s web-based, available to try out at CRE South West, is the answer!

‘We have one underlying philosophy – keep it simple!’ explained Cambron’s Colin Cameron. ‘There are some very powerful (and complicated) church management systems out there but we wanted to create something that did one thing well – make life easier for the people who organise church rotas. It had to be accessible from anywhere and easy to make changes and send reminders to people. keeps all your rotas in one place – worship band, security, welcoming, coffee morning, creche, AV, flowers, cleaning – you name it, you can create a rota for it.

Most importantly, will automatically notify people by email or SMS text when they are on duty. Users can make themselves unavailable and edit their rota duties to swap with others.

‘As churches open up again, now is the time to start organising your church volunteers and helpers using,’ said Gordon. ‘We’ll show you how at Westpoint.’

You can even create your first event and team for free. For unlimited use, the cost is only £10 per month with a special 50 per cent discount for those visiting the plan2gether stand.

• plan2gether will be on stand D22 at CRE South West 2022

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

How to make light work of recruitment

When Pilgrims’ Friend Society (PFS) wanted to recruit a chief executive and other key members of staff they knew exactly what they wanted – their problem was finding the right people.

Founded more than 200 years ago, the society operates as an umbrella charity and is the group trustee for a number of Christian charities, enabling older people to flourish through its care homes, residential housing and support for churches and communities. It runs 15 care schemes across England and, like other social care providers, struggles to recruit and retain care assistants and carers in many of its homes. 

PFS called in Action Planning, with its outreach across the Christian sector, to tender for the job of recruiting a new chief executive and also carry out research into the retention of care workers and managers at their homes.

‘We placed a notice for the vacant chief executive role on our website and sent it out on our 46,000 strong mailing list,’ said the company’s associate community co-ordinator, Tracy Madgwick. ‘We also put it out to 170 Action Planning consultants, made direct approaches to suitable individuals and searched LinkedIn for potential candidates. We then put forward a shortlist of five strong candidates. We followed a similar process to find a trustee, with additional research carried out through our church contacts and were able to present PFS with a suitable candidate. 

‘We also investigated the problem of care home staff retention by conducting “secret shopper” style visits, gathering first-hand accounts of the challenges staff faced and the incentives (eg salaries and other benefits) that might encourage them to stay on. A similar but more intensive exercise was carried out to find suitable candidates for care home manager roles.’

From the shortlist, PFS selected their new chief executive, Stephen Hammersley, under whose leadership they have begun to put in place Action Planning’s proposals for recruiting and retaining care home managers and staff.

‘They were equally delighted with their new trustee and have discussed the possibility of recruiting more,’ said Tracy Madgwick.

There is always a much smaller pool of candidates for senior posts in faith-based organisations but Action Planning know where to look. If you need help in finding the right person for your organisation chat to their representatives at CRE South West. Action Planning’s David Saint will lead a seminar at the exhibition, ‘Fundraising for capital projects for churches’ (11am, Wed 12 Feb and 3pm Thu 24 Feb).

• Action Planning are on stand P10 at CRE South West

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Helping young cope beyond Covid

With young people struggling with poor mental health through the pandemic, the Ugly Duckling Company has launched an innovative resource to help them. 

10:10 shows the difference living well can have on their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Designed for use in churches, schools, youth clubs and community groups, the initiative has been supported by a £60,000 grant over two years from Allchurches Trust. Providing at least 30 hours of adaptable material, the recource can be used in small groups, lessons, assemblies and lunch time clubs.

Ten themes, built on spirituality and positive psychology, help 11 to 17-year-olds explore different ideas around happiness and the art of living life well. It covers themes such as thankfulness, kindness, forgiveness, healthy relationships, coping strategies and how to look after mind, body and soul. The resource features a series of films, group discussions, creative exercises, experiments and additional downloadable resources.

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

More stands now available as dozens of organisations head west

A sudden surge of interest from companies and individuals wishing to exhibit has meant organisers of CRE South West have increased the number of stands available at the exhibition.

Bookings in the new year include World Vision, Ecclesiastical Insurance, Countdown Creative, Snug Architects, Crosslink Transformation Network (CTN), Cambron Software, Creative Solutions and StageEngage.

‘Most people are optimistic we are at the beginning of the end of the pandemic,’ said CRE event director Brett Pitchfork. ‘They are keen to get back where it really counts – face to face with customers, clients and supporters. Safety is still paramount for all, so we are instigating similar precautions to those we introduced at Sandown Park in October, including wider aisles, and remain hopeful that churches throughout the south west will support our first  exhibition in the region for seven years.’

Expert advice will be on hand in 40 seminars with several speakers from the region including the Bishop of Crediton, Rt Rev Jackie Searle; the Archdeacon of Exeter, Venerable Andrew Deane; Canon Sarah Yardley of Creation Fest, Paul Friend of South-West Youth Ministries and Tim Moyler of Agapé UK. The exhibition will be opened by former Blue Peter and Sky Sports presenter Simon Thomas.

The Bishop of Exeter, Rt Rev Robert Atwell, said: ‘CRE was last at Westpoint in 2015 and much has happened at local church level since then,’ he said. ‘It is a great opportunity to access new resources, ideas and practical tools to meet the many challenges of local ministry.’ 

A short introductory video to CRE SW can be viewed here.

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Publish and be… blessed

A family firm has become a one-stop shop for churches wanting to produce a parish magazine on a budget.

As a local councillor in Holsworthy in Devon, Phil Tucker (pictured left) produced a leaflet to highlight some local problems. Such was the quality of the leaflet that he got requests to produce material for other people. In a two-week period he will now print about a million sides of A4 for a series of parish magazines and other publications.

‘We only handle community and church magazines, and understand that editors may need help with certain issues,’ said Phil. ‘Our production team has an in-depth knowledge of the problems experienced in producing a community magazine and are willing to help in any way they can. We build extremely long-term relationships with our clients.’

The printers used are efficient at smaller print runs, especially those under 1,000,’ said Phil. 

‘We take a PDF, usually by email, and print the publication as soon as possible. We are very aware that the editor probably has their own job. We are therefore as flexible as possible in the turn-around time often printing on the day of receipt and getting the newsletters back next day.’

• Parish Magazine Printing are on stand C34 at CRE South West

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Sixth National Big Church Read: book it now!

The 6th National Big Church Read begins on 24 January and focuses on The Bible: A Story That Makes Sense of Life.

‘Many churches are telling us that doing a Big Church Read brings people together again,’ said Steve Barnett of St Andrew’s Bookshop. ‘If the whole church joins in, the positive effects of a shared experience are especially good and a great antidote to the apartness created by the pandemic.’

Andrew Ollerton invites you to join in the Big Church Read here.

With many church leaders concerned about biblical illiteracy in their congregations, this is also an accessible way for groups and individuals to understand the overarching storyline of the Bible and what it means for our daily lives. 

‘It can also be used as a stepping stone to doing The Bible Course,’ said Steve.

There is also a new Big Church Read with Terry Virgo, who has created 30 videos for each chapter in his latest book God’s Treasured Possession.

‘You could get your church to read a chapter a day as a 30-day challenge!’ said Steve.

• St Andrew’s Bookshop are on Stand F29 at CRE South West

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Join Chloe’s class to develop your digital ministry

With a wealth of experience in the communication business Chloe Axford, director of communications for the diocese of Exeter, will share valuable tips in a seminar on developing a digital ministry (CRE South West, 2pm, Thu 24 Feb).

After more than 20 years working in national and regional broadcast news and church communications, Chloe will explore the various digital tools open to churches to help them in worship, mission and engagement with their local communities.

Chloe Axford, director of communications, Diocese of Exeter

‘So much of our lives are now spent online,’ she said, ‘and churches need to be confident in that space. We need to be using 21st century communication tools to be telling the eternal story in fresh and relevant ways which will connect with people. This isn’t about having lots of expertise, money, time or volunteers – this is about making the most of what you do have and using digital in a way that is right for where you are.’

The seminar will cover church websites, social media, marketing, working with the media, live streaming and filming church services and other events.

‘Your church website is the first place people will go to find out about your church, but many websites are hard to navigate and missing basic information for people wanting to book a wedding or find out about children’s groups, for example. A few simple changes can make it a powerful part of your welcome and mission. The same is true of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.’

According to a recent report from the Evangelical Alliance, 85 per cent of people using the internet are on Facebook. Of all those on social media 60 per cent are on Instagram and 25 per cent on Twitter, so understanding how best to engage with people on these platforms is vital. 

Chloe also hopes to cover how to write a press release and plan a church event – the kind that will get media coverage.

‘I am hoping that this seminar will be enjoyable, creative and interactive,’ said Chloe said. ‘I want people to be able to ask questions and share tips and ideas – one thing I have learned in my career, is that digital ministry works best as part of a supportive team.’

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

Renewing your church with respect

Historic churches present problems when it comes to installing audio-visual systems – but there are few which cannot be overcome.

So believes Andy Pidsley, managing director of APi Sound & Visual from Exeter, exhibitors at the forthcoming CRE South West. Andy has been involved in operating church sound equipment for more than four decades and started APi some 20 years ago, following over a decade in the AV industry.

‘Things have been particularly busy in recent months as more churches decided to stream their services,’ he explained. ‘Special services such as christenings, weddings and funerals can also be recorded for absent friends and family to watch. From personal experience, this has been a lifeline for some of our more elderly and isolated members of the congregation.’

APi are able to upgrade existing systems relatively simply, depending upon the age of the equipment, to enable services to be streamed. Simple push-button switching between cameras and dedicated streaming devices, with just start/stop functions, means users can be confident of recording without difficulty.

Installation is not the end of the job. APi also provide training and can deliver broadband solutions.

‘We are accustomed to working in historic and listed churches, so will always provide as unobtrusive an installation as possible,’ said Andy. ‘For example, our unique swinging arm (pictured) designed in-house by APi designers, is well-suited for churches who require screens to be discreetly positioned or hidden when not in use. Even the small details, such as the colour of cable, will be considered. We will always be respectful of your church building.’

• APi Sound & Visual are on stand D10 at CRE South West

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

ByDave Hall

A marriage made in Devon

With so many beautiful, holy places in which you can make your vows before God, a church is the ideal place to get married.

So says Rt Revd Jackie Searle (pictured below), Bishop of Crediton in Devon, who will speak on the subject at the upcoming CRE South West (11am, Feb 24) – one of 30 scheduled during the exhibition’s two days. Currently, fewer than one in four couples decide to get married in a church. There were 977 weddings in Devon churches in 2018. This fell to about 800 in 2019, and with another sharp dip as the Covid-19 lockdowns began.

Rt Revd Jackie Searle, Bishop of Crediton

Bishop Jackie believes Devon churches will give couples a warm welcome and provide support for them throughout the process. A special website – – gives guidance and advice on the legal stages of getting married and how the church can enhance the Big Day experience. She will introduce these resources during her seminar – one of 30 scheduled during the exhibition’s two days.

Kennedy Purdy, who was married during lockdown in Clyst St Mary Church, near Exeter, said: ‘It’s the village I grew up in and it is a really beautiful old church. We decided to get married in a church because, since I was a little girl, that’s how I pictured getting married, walking down the aisle.’

The Revd Sue Davies-Fletcher, a priest at Westward Ho! said: ‘As a parish priest I want to help couples make their wedding the day they have always dreamed of. It is about encouraging couples not to be afraid to ask the church what they can do and show that a church is so much more than simply a venue.’

The Archdeacon of Exeter, the Venerable Andrew Beane, believes that couples who married in 2020 with limited attendance, might consider a church blessing now that church attendance is not limited.

‘Wedding blessings do not involve any legal paperwork and can be organised by contacting one of our churches,’ said Andrew.

• Rt Revd Jackie Searle, Bishop of Crediton, will speak on ‘How to encourage couples to get married in church’ (11am, Feb 24)

Book your tickets to CRE South West! – and save up to £5

Seminar Guide – See the complete guide to seminars at CRE South West 2022

Your invitation – See an online version of the CRE South West 2022 brochure

Our next exhibitions

CRE South West 2022
23-24 February 2022
Westpoint, Exeter

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey