When CRE comes to town, Rev Hilary Howarth rounds up a posse to visit the exhibition.
Hilary, minister of the Triangle Community Methodist Church, Bolton, said: ‘It is a brilliant day out and I know it can make a lot of difference to church life. Our departmental leaders and helpers get fresh ideas. The resources on show are a real inspiration.’
A local preacher for many years, Hilary became a minister in 2002 and served in Chorley and Northwick and Winsford circuits before returning to her roots in Bolton to lead The Triangle Community – three fellowships that came together to form a new church.
‘It’s great when people like Hilary “get” the event,’ said CRE’s Steve Goddard. ‘We would encourage all church leaders to look carefully through our 130+ exhibitors and programme of seminars and presentations at Stoneleigh Park and invite key leaders and influencers to join them – from bishop to bell-ringer, vicar to verger. Already half the people who have bought advance tickets tell us they have never yet been to a CRE. They are in for a day of rich discovery.’
Entry to CRE Midlands is just £3 each for a group of three or more, if tickets are bought in advance from here (£8 each on the door).
Cartoon by Rev Taffy Davies
Christian Resources Exhibition
1 and 2 Ellison’s Cottages
Crank Road
St Helens
WA11 7RQ
Christian Resources Exhibition is a limited company Reg No. 02549188
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