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ByDave Hall

Taste & See: New programme gets to root of eating guilt

The lives of a lot of people in our churches are secretly ruled by food.

So says Professor Deborah Lycett of Taste & See, a unique blend of fact and faith helping to bring freedom to lives ruled by food, dieting and emotional eating. 

‘Many of us feel guilty and ashamed whenever we eat or step on the scales,’ said Deborah (pictured below), who teaches in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences at Coventry University. ‘This unhappiness makes them want to eat more and they find themselves in an endless cycle of dieting, overeating and feeling miserable. But God wants to set them free! He wants them to taste and see that he is good and that food is good, too!’

Professor Deborah Lycett

Designed with and for churches and developed out of research at the university, Taste & See, exhibiting for the first time at CRE Midlands, is a 10-session audio-video, small-group programme that anyone can run! 

‘The programme is not about dieting but learning to eat in response to our body’s natural signals of hunger and fullness, rather than in response to our emotions and what we see or smell!’ said Deborah. ‘The Christian principles of love, acceptance and freedom with responsibility fit well with this and are included in the programme.’

Scientific evidence suggests that for many people, diets are unsustainable in the long-term and yo-yo dieting is associated with a sense of failure which impacts on quality of life. Evidence also suggests that programmes which help us to become spiritually healthy, as well as physically and emotionally healthy, may play an important role in helping with eating or weight problems.

‘Lots of the evidence so far comes from America,’ said Deborah. ‘We want to find out whether this type of programme could potentially be helpful to people in the UK.

• Taste and See are on stand C14 at CRE Midlands

ByDave Hall

Buy a hamper, give one free: New food bank project launched at CRE Midlands

Buy a retail hamper from your church for £30 – and a meal hamper, comprising 15 fully-balanced meals, will be donated free to local families facing food insecurity. 

That’s the creative thinking behind Farming Food Bank, a radical new initiative launched at CRE Midlands by The Giving Stream Limited. 

‘We have the farm, butchers, chefs, equipment and expertise to produce food,’ explained Giving Stream’s Colin Kaye. ‘Churches have congregations and a local feeding programme or plans to launch one. This project links us all together – working as one.’

So how does it function?

Giving Stream install a walk-in freezer on church premises at the company’s cost, stocking it with two different products – a retail hamper, which can be bought and a free food hamper, used for donations only. Members of the church are encouraged to purchase retail hampers from the freezer at the end of services and mid-week meetings.

‘The retail hampers, if sold through a major retailer at a lesser quality, for example, containing preservatives, would retail at around £40,’ said Colin. ‘We retail the hampers at £30.’

Every time a retail hamper is sold a free meal hamper is donated to the church. The church can then use the free meal hampers to feed people who are hungry within the area it serves.

‘We have full control of stock levels and provide a card reader for ease of purchasing,’ said Colin. ‘We monitor sales and stock levels through the Food Parcel Automated System (FPAS) and replenish both the retail hamper and free meal hamper – doing it all in the name of Jesus.’

The retail hamper, for example, consists of meat products, steak burgers, sausages, meatballs and seasoned joints of meat. The hampers are complete and sealed, so no order making is required – ‘you just pick up the box, scan the card reader and go!’ The produce has been farmed to the highest welfare standard. Livestock is free-range, fed a natural diet, no routine antibiotics have been administered and full ingredient traceability is available with one simple scan.

The free hamper contains enough for 15 fully-balanced meals. As well as high-quality meat products straight off the farm, the hamper also contains vegetables and potatoes, enabling the person in need who receives the hamper to put full balanced meals on the table. It is also produced to the same high standard as the retail hamper, producing a high-quality gift. 

A video explaining the Farming Food Bank can be seen here.

‘We passionately believe that it is possible to do good and make money at the same time and if this was a common structure, the world would look a lot different to the way it does today,’ said Colin.

• Giving Stream Limited are on stand P61 at CRE Midlands 2020

Photo: The free hamper (pictured) contains enough for 15 fully-balanced meals

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ByDave Hall

Sharing faith: Tim helps us go timid-free

For almost nine out of 10 of us who lack confidence in sharing our personal Christian testimony, help is at hand.

The new Living & Telling course from CRE Midlands exhibitor Agapé UK is a series of 10 free videos created to help Christians communicate their faith – naturally, helpfully and as a way of life.

Agapé UK’s Tim Moyler and Dave Pegg of the PACE Trust were challenged by research from the Evangelical Alliance suggesting 87 percent of UK Christians lack confidence in sharing their spiritual journey with others.

‘Over the past few years we have developed the course in Exeter and it seems to transform the lives of those who attend,’ said Tim. ‘Leaders of churches and organisations across the country began asking us if they could run the course, too, but it was all on bits of paper, video clips and in our heads!’

Time and Dave realised that Living & Telling had to become a series of highly-interactive videos.

‘As the project got underway many brilliant communicators such as Phil Knox, Matt Summerfield and Grace Wheeler offered to join the team and present a session,’ recalled Tim. Living & Telling was launched at CRE National 2019 and Tim reports having more than 250 helpful conversations with church leaders about the course at Sandown Park.

‘Many have been in touch to say they are already running the course with house groups,’ said Tim. Agapé UK will profile Living & Telling at a seminar at CRE Midlands (3pm, Wed 5 Mar) and guide visitors through their brand-new website.

‘The videos are easy to run and can be downloaded free of charge,’ said Tim. ‘A beautifully-produced, low-cost workbook has been produced for each group member. Come to the seminar and we will give this to you, free of charge.’

• Agapé UK are on stand B13 at CRE Midlands 2020

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ByDave Hall

Is your church building underinsured?

As many as 80 percent of non-household buildings in the UK are underinsured – many of them churches, according to CRE Midlands exhibitor Access Insurance

‘Some people believe that, because the building will never be totally destroyed, it is not worth insuring for the full amount,’ said James Hill of Access. ‘They assume they only need recompense for the damage done but that is rarely the case. Many insurance policies have an “average” clause, designed to ensure the buildings are insured for their full value. Such a policy means that if you insure only 50 percent of the value of the building you will only receive 50 percent of any claim, regardless of its size.’

Access will introduce church leaders to their online valuation service at CRE Midlands – a safe haven for many churches and charities anxious not to face potential damage without proper cover.

‘We also find the insurance value of many church properties remains unchanged for years –with the value of the building rising considerably above the insurance figure,’ said James. ‘This would prove disastrous in the case of severe damage. If you think you may face problems like these come and talk to us.’

• Access Insurance are on stand F15 at CRE Midlands 2020

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ByDave Hall

Pixel perfect: Vote for your favourite church photograph

All nine photographs are superb – and visitors to CRE Midlands will be invited to choose their favourite.

Run by Ecclesiastical insurance, Parish Pixels is a national competition celebrating UK churches through photography. Judges have already selected nine regional winners but visitors to the Ecclesiastical stand at CRE Midlands can vote for the one they think should be the overall winner.

‘There are so many unique and fascinating items, stories and people in our churches and we are highlighting these,’ said Michael Angell, church operations director at Ecclesiastical. ‘The response to the competition has been fantastic and we received some incredible images that show why our churches are so special.’

Representatives from the regional winning churches, all receiving £1500, will be invited to attend a celebratory lunch in October 2020, where the overall winner will be announced. The winning church will receive £5,000.

‘We welcome CRE Midlands visitors to vote for their favourite photo at our stand,’ said Michael. ‘Our church insurance consultants will also be available to discuss any insurance requirements – including your church, home or vicarage – and financial planning for retirement.’

• Ecclesiastical insurance are on stand E32 at CRE Midlands

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ByDave Hall

Released prisoners: Government turns to Pastor Pete

Of 66,000 people released from prison each year, some 36,000 will go back behind bars – but now one CRE exhibitor has been approached by the government to help tackle the problem.

A Ministry of Justice pilot project is being run in four areas of the UK to try and reduce the re-offending rate by 10 per cent – and Green Pastures, a charity based in Southport, are a strategic part of the initiative.

‘It is wonderful to know that, at last, the government has approached the Church to help address a problem they have had for the past 40 years,’ said Pastor Pete Cunningham, founder of the organisation.

In 1999, Pastor Pete his son Andrew and Vicki Woodley, already housing the homeless in their church building, put their hands in their pockets and purchased two flats in Southport to give homeless people somewhere to live. The first recipients were a single mum and her child. Two decades later, there are now 400 people housed by the charity at any one time and thousands more have benefitted over the years.

In 2003, a chaplain from North Staffordshire found out about the work and asked Green Pastures to buy a property in Stoke-on-Trent – so his team could take ex-offenders from the prison gate to house and care for them.

‘Taking a step of faith, we bought a property for someone else,’ recalled Pete. ‘The results were amazing! As we provided more housing, the re-offending rate reduced. Now we partner with 80 other churches across the UK and house more than 1080 people. Many of our partners look after ex-offenders and a good percentage stay out of prison and become good citizens.

‘The model is simple. Any church or charity with a heart to house the homeless are welcome to talk to us at CRE Midlands and we will guide you through the process. Many people we house go on to have faith in Jesus Christ. This is our modus operandi – saving souls. Our properties and staff work to that end.

‘For those who cannot work with homeless people direct, it is possible to invest in the work with a good return – and you can be certain your funds are working ethically.’

• Green Pastures are on stand P65 at CRE Midlands

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ByDave Hall

Stop spending on gear, start investing in skills

A large proportion of any church technology budget is best spent training the technology team – to get the most out of the system you already have.

So says Kieran Scotchbrook of CRE Midlands exhibitor Rock-Tech. 

‘Training is a long-term investment, the fruit of which you will see year after year as skills are passed from existing to new members,’ believes Kieran. ‘Training will help your team run more smoothly. In turn, you will retain more members as they feel able to serve more effectively.’

Rock-Tech visit hundreds of churches across the UK, talking with local leaders about the technological challenges they face.

‘We do find issues with AV systems, but even more regularly we find a skill gap,’ says Kieran. ‘Giving your team knowledge and skills is the most valuable thing we can offer – more than the latest mixing desk, speaker system or microphone.’

Once core skills are learned, a technology team will be able to apply them, time after time, overcoming problem circumstances and Rock-Tech will be at CRE Midlands to introduce a number of free training courses to churches.

‘We also offer personalised training sessions in your own building (if you have one) or at our warehouse, helping you work through the elements that make your services unique,’ says Kieran. ‘Come and talk to us.’

• Rock-Tech are on stand C3 at CRE Midlands 2020

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ByDave Hall

The pod in search of a church car park

It may be just 8ft by 6ft – with bed, toilet and USB socket – but for a homeless person it’s a potential life saver. The Amazing Grace Spaces pod – officially an urban emergency sleeping hut – has a coded lock to protect the person inside.

And now the man behind the project, Stuart Johnson, is bringing one to CRE for the first time, keen to find churches prepared to donate a car parking space on which to locate one of his creations.

‘I cannot believe no one has come up with this solution before,’ said Stuart who is delighted two churches have already ordered pods. ‘They are not the final answer, but while someone is waiting for permanent accommodation, they know they are safe from bullying or injury or losing the few possessions they may have. They also give members of a church the opportunity to minister to them in a loving and caring manner.’

Amazing Grace Spaces, based in Llanwern, Newport in South Wales, can also provide help with more permanent accommodation.

‘We want a world where the homeless are not sleeping rough on the street,’ said Stuart, who will celebrate his 60th birthday during CRE Midlands. ‘Any person faced with homelessness gets a safe place to sleep, as well as the support they need to avoid becoming homeless again. Our mission is to develop and provide innovative, sustainable and affordable accommodation and emergency shelter. We partner with other services to ensure homeless people have access to support and a safe space to recover.’

• Amazing Grace Spaces are on stand P54 at CRE Midlands 2020

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ByDave Hall

Egg ‘with added Easter’ celebrates first decade

The Real Easter Egg is celebrating its tenth anniversary – and CRE played a big part in its successful launch.

In 2010, high street supermarkets refused to stock a product with the story of Easter in the box, so the Meaningful Chocolate Company brought its first Real Easter Egg to CRE Midlands.

‘We asked churches to crowd fund the project by placing orders,’ said David Marshall, founder of the company. ‘I had never been to CRE before – and what an eye-opener! Hundreds of stands offering important and relevant resources, thousands of active church members looking for ideas and inspiration. People wanted to taste the chocolate, inspect the boxes and meet the people behind the product – something you can’t do online. Orders flooded in.’

Ten years on, more than a million eggs have been sold and more than £275,000 donated to charitable projects. 

To help celebrate the role CRE played in the success of the project, a special discount code has been made available. Buy 12 or more original eggs and enter the code CRE2010 and you will get £3 off your order total. Visit the Meaningful Chocolate website.

Photo: EGGED ON: The Real Easter Egg, greeted with enthusiasm, at CRE Midlands 2010

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ByDave Hall

Be part of a ministry that pulls on the heart strings

A brand-new Puppet Ministry Starter Set will be launched at CRE Midlands – presenting churches with a fresh and creative opportunity to communicate the Christian message.

‘In an age when children appear to be more interested in a “small glowingscreen” and what comes out of their headphones, there is something simple yet effective about a puppet,’ said Ian Jones of One Way UKCreative Ministries. ‘They connect with people of all ages – in church, mid-week clubs or school assemblies. We also visit care homes and get a good reception from people with additional needs.’

Along with samples of hundreds of puppets, One Way will showcase their resources at CRE Midlands including storytelling, gospel illusions and toddler group ideas. The Puppet Ministry Starter Set will be available at 25 per cent off the recommended retail price.

Ian has used puppets in ministry for more than 20 years.

‘We never imagined the impact our work would have,’ he said. ‘We stillhave 12 children plus a range of adults in the team and more than 50 children have passed through along the way. Even in this day and age youshould never underestimate the power of a puppet!’

• One Way are on stand P36 at CRE Midlands

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