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ByDave Hall

Worship made easy for Sunday morning

The ultimate legal source of song words and sheet music for worship – that’s how CCLI describes its popular SongSelect.

Featuring the authorised lyrics, chord, lead and multi-part vocal sheets for thousands of worship songs and hymns, SongSelect is available to any church which holds a Church Copyright Licence (CCL) for the projection/reproduction of song words. Subscriptions start from just £98 a year, but it’s possible to set up a free user account and try it out before you buy. All subscriptions are church-based and allow unlimited access for everyone within the church’s music and projection/multimedia teams.

‘More than 100,000 churches worldwide now rely on SongSelect so we’re always looking to bring more value to our users,’ said CCLI’s Rich Burrough. ‘In the last few months alone we’ve added the Nashville Number System (NNS) to our Chord Sheets as well as enabling ChordPro Downloads for our Premium level subscribers. We believe SongSelect is one of the best ways to discover and learn new songs, with videos, thematic search and top song lists that allow you to see what other churches around the world are singing.’

SongSelect is fully responsive and integrates with many leading song planning and projection apps, including Worship Extreme, OnSong, MediaShout and ProPresenter.

‘All this is designed to make song planning and delivery much easier, whether you’re preparing in advance or responding in the moment,’ added Rich. ‘You can find out more on the CCLI stand at CRE National 2019.’

* CCLI are on stand S75 at CRE National 2019

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ByDave Hall

Three score years – and then? Afterworknet plan major series of seminars at CRE

Everything we hear about old age is negative – but God deliberately created it.

So says Louise Morse of Pilgrim Friends’ Society, exhibitors at CRE National 2019.

‘Old age is wrongly seen as something to be feared and fought against,’ explains Louise on Afterworknet’s website. ‘So I’m never surprised, when speaking to a large group of Christians, to find some are not convinced. However the majority, when they see the truth in Scripture, are delighted. When God created the universe, he set in motion times and seasons and the ageing process. When you realise the purpose God has in mind, you see how wonderful growing older is meant to be. It’s a reward and a blessing.’

The peak of the culture of Scriptural times was wisdom, and because it’s acquired with experience and age, older people were respected. By contrast, in our culture, the peak of attainment is youth.

‘There is no “use-before” date in 2 Ephesians 10, where God makes clear he has equipped us for the good works that he has already planned for us,’ continues Louise. ‘God spends our whole lives honing us to develop the character that will bless others – being reflective, less impulsive, able to take the long view, with emotional balance and empathy, compassion and listening skills. So much more could be done to see older people released into God’s purposes if this same message was espoused in our churches.’

Afterworknet will run a series of seminars and presentations throughout all three days of CRE National 2019.

• Afterworknet are on stand S155 at CRE National 2019
• Pilgrim Friends’ Society are on stand S53 at CRE National 2019

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ByDave Hall

‘Faster Pastor’ Paul roars off to glory

An inspiring entrepreneur, full of life and zeal – that’s how Marian, wife of the late Rev Paul Sinclair described him at his funeral in May.

Founder of Motorcycle Funerals, and known as the Faster Pastor and Revving Rev, Paul holds the Guinness world record for the fastest speed on a motorcycle hearse – 126mph at Elvington Airfield in York in 2013. He also had the loudest laugh of any exhibitor at CRE.

‘It was amazing to watch him serve the public,’ said Marian, who will be on the Motorcycle Funerals stand at CRE National 2019. ‘He never tired or got bored. He wasn’t perfect but he certainly looked after his staff and was a brilliant boss. He was friends with people from all walks of life and his funeral reflected that.’

Passionate about the Bible, Paul preached at various United Reformed churches in Birmingham and around Leicestershire. He also spoke in schools, encouraging children to be entrepreneurs whatever their age. 

He once told The Guardian: ‘I don’t want anyone to say I was nice, or that I was a good man. 
People always say that at funerals and it is never the truth. I want it to be said: “This guy was a dirty sinner and he didn’t deserve to go to heaven – but God saved him”’.

‘Paul enjoyed nothing more than to crack jokes and puns, often at his own expense, as he introduced his hearses to our bemused visitors,’ said Steve Goddard, owner of CRE, recalling the time Paul put his tandem hearse up for sale at an exhibition in Exeter – because he wasn’t fit enough to ride it.

‘I’m a biker, not a cyclist,’ Paul told the local TV news. ‘It’s seen some lovely funerals but I’m always wrecked afterwards. I even have to ask if the cemetery is at the top or bottom of a hill!’

‘We will really miss Paul at CRE,’ said Steve, ‘but we are delighted Marian is carrying on the business and hope that many thousands of visitors will make a point of discovering Motorcycle Funerals at Sandown Park.’

• Motorcycle Funerals are on stand S33 at CRE National 2019

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Caption: Marian Sinclair (left) with Rev Pal Sinclair (centre) and the tandem hearse

ByDave Hall

How your home can be a haven of hope

No leader worthy of the name can look the other way while men, women and children are held against their will.

So said Theresa May, addressing the UN International Labour Organisation in Geneva, days before she stepped down as Prime Minister.

The Global Slavery Index estimates there are 136,000 people in slavery in the UK at any one time.

‘The duty of fighting slavery doesn’t simply belong to world leaders,’ said Jared Hodgson, co-founder and CEO of Hope at Home, a national Christian charity fighting the cycle of modern slavery and human trafficking. ‘God calls his church to set the oppressed free.’

Providing the opportunity for churches to practically live out God’s call, Hope at Home, exhibitors at CRE Midlands 2020, equip Christians to host adult survivors in their homes for an agreed time period.

In 2018, 6,993 people were rescued from exploitation in the UK and taken to a safe house – but there is no statutory provision after leaving the house. Many survivors become destitute and extremely vulnerable to being re-trafficked.

‘We step in at that point, preventing homelessness, and place them with our well-trained hosts who provide a room, a family, love and acceptance,’ said Jared. ‘We support our hosts and work in partnership with agencies who support the guest (survivor). Our collaborative approach provides the best platform on which guests can rebuild their lives.’

Several guests have found employment and their own homes.

‘One guest looked for a night shift job because she couldn’t sleep,’ recalled Jared. ‘After a few weeks with her hosts, she slept so well she decided to find a day job instead! Another guest celebrated her birthday for the first time at the age of 42. As her hosts sung to her and presented her with a birthday cake, tears rolled down her face. She felt loved and valued.’

• Hope at Home are on stand P5 at CRE Midlands 2020

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ByDave Hall

New book lights path from spiritual abuse

A book published this month attempts to discover what the term ‘spiritual abuse’ really means and how to prevent it in our churches.

In Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse: Creating healthy Christian cultures (SPCK), authors Dr Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys draw on a combination of extensive research, individual testimonies and years of hands-on experience – concluding that recovery is possible.

‘Findings from a new study highlight big gaps in our understanding around the topic,’ said Justin Humphreys. ‘Recognition that coercive controlling behaviours do, in fact, occur in churches and other religious settings has begun to take place, but many more steps are necessary to understand and address the issues. Common factors include control through misuse of scripture, claims to divine authority, pressure to conform and enforced accountability. Individuals may be isolated and compelled to secrecy and silence.’ 

Oakley and Humphreys consider the link between theological ideas and harmful behaviours and how leaders can create opportunities for spiritual and emotional flourishing.

‘Writing a book that is honest and clear about spiritual abuse while also being open and responsible about its complexity is a great gift to the Church, and beyond,’ said The Rt Revd Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham. ‘Lisa and Justin have succeeded in doing this; that they do so with winsomeness and humility simply adds further to this gift.’

Author, speaker and broadcaster Jeff Lucas said: ‘Spiritual abuse disguises itself masterfully, and preys not only upon the vulnerable but also the most passionate in the faith. Lisa and Justin have created a vital resource in this unique, timely and accessible book. It exposes the culture created by bullying leaders with clarity and compassion and calls us towards health and freedom.’

Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse: Creating healthy Christian cultures (SPCK) is published on Thursday 20 June.

• Thirty-one Eight are on stand S49 at CRE National 2019
• SPCK are stand FC26 at CRE National 2019

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ByDave Hall

Marilyn on song for first-ever Ladies’ Day at CRE

One of the most popular performers at CRE returns to perform during the exhibition’s first-ever Ladies’ Day (CRE National 2019, Thu 17 Oct).

‘I want to encourage women to know what a dynamic impact they can have in the kingdom of God,’ said Marilyn. ‘Society needs nurturers and us ladies can help to bring more tender heartedness back in to our world showing what God’s love is really like.’

Blind almost from birth, Marilyn Baker began to write and sing her own songs in the early 1980s, releasing a series of albums which aimed to draw people into God’s healing presence.

Word spread and soon churches were inviting her to do evangelistic and encouragement concerts. She gave up her job as a music teacher and started ministering full time, travelling extensively in Britain and many parts of the world. A familiar performer at Spring Harvest and other major Christian events, Marilyn quickly became Britain’s top-selling female gospel singer.

In 1986 she was joined by Tracy Williamson, whose gifts in speaking and prophecy enriched the music with a new dimension. Marilyn’s recordings and Tracy’s books enabled them to reach an even wider audience.

As well as concerts, Marilyn and Tracy undertake church encouragement weekends, workshops and conferences. They minister to large or small groups or in elderly people’s homes and prisons. Wherever they are, the focus of the ministry remains the same.

‘Our heart is to see people entering into joy instead of mourning, beauty instead of ashes, praise instead of despair,’ said Marilyn.

‘We want them to understand the intimacy of God’s tender love and be empowered by it to reach out to others, that they too may be healed and changed.

‘He has been wonderfully faithful guiding and providing for us over all these years and has brought so much transformation to individuals and groups. We are excited about what lies ahead in his plans for us.’

Marilyn will perform in CRE’s Arts Theatre and during Cindy’s Sofa at lunchtime on Thu 17 Oct. Ladies Day at CRE will focus specifically on issued surrounding women in areas of work, community, church and family life.

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ByDave Hall

Now first contact needn’t be the last

First contact with families approaching churches for a wedding, baptism or funeral need not be the last – thanks to new online software that helps develop lasting relationships with parishioners.
The Life Events Diary, a free resource for Church of England churches and developed in partnership with iKnow Church, streamlines administration for classic rites of passage. 
‘Every family that approaches a church for a wedding, banns reading, a baptism or a funeral begins a journey with that church,’ explained iKnow Church’s Kyle Cottington. ‘For the family, it can be a time of big emotions and questions. You will want to care for them and make their service the best it can be. Behind that are a huge list of tasks, not just to plan the services but to keep in touch with the families afterwards and encourage them to stay connected. That’s what Life Events Diary is all about.’
Life Events Diary:
• Records legal and personal data of families safely and securely
• Reduces duplication of data-collection and data-entry
• Prints out key information about a service in relevant formats
• Customises, records, and tracks service fees
• Never forgets a significant date for pastoral care, or an opportunity for follow-up after a service, with email reminders
• Shares data, tasks and messages with others in the church to help you direct, delegate and coordinate, wherever you are
• Live Events Diary is available on stand S95 at CRE National 2019
• iKnow Church/Church Edit are on stand S94

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Photo: Helen Batt Photography

ByDave Hall

Introducing a grand way to improve your church communications

Every church in the UK should be equipped with great communications tools – and a new award scheme has been launched with deserving churches receiving up to £1000 to make it happen.

CPO chief executive Laura Trenee believes churches have a world-changing message of hope – but often fail to deliver it effectively.

‘Our vision is to see every church in the UK equipped with great communications tools,’ she said. ‘We understand the limitations of budget and time and are delighted that our Church Comms Improvement Project will offer support to those who need it.’

Anyone can nominate a church for support here. All that is needed is the name of the church, its address and a photograph or web address to demonstrate why it needs help.

Awards are to the value of between £50 and £1000, in the form of fully-funded resources and support, depending on the need – such as a new or redesigned website, a brand identity, a set of invitations or posters or even a new noticeboard. The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Mon 1st July.

CPO is a registered charity, and has received seed money for the fund. Donations to enable the project to continue can be made at, to ensure a sustainable fund for churches that most need help in design and communications.

Based in Worthing, CPO has been working to support the UK church in its communication for more than 60 years.

• CPO are on stand S81 at CRE National 2019

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ByDave Hall

No cash? No problem. Tubular Charity Kiosk will debut at CRE National 2019

A church in North London is the first in the UK to trial a ground-breaking donation kiosk – on show at CRE National 2019 (Oct 15-17).

Tubular Systems Ltd have designed and built the kiosk which aims to take churches and charities into the digital era.

‘It’s the 21st Century version of a collection plate and we are very proud of it,’ said Tubular Systems’ Kevin Egglesden. ‘Even in the first few weeks of the trial there has been a positive response at the trialling church in terms of increased giving via Apple and Google Pay.’

The Tubular Charity Kiosk, which can remain accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, not only accepts contactless donations but also credit and debit cards, including chip and swipe – meaning no donation need be missed. It also comes with live telemetry reporting, so donations and power downs can be viewed at any time and anywhere through a PC or mobile phone app.

Designed and built in the UK, the kiosk takes up very little space yet will draw attention through its brightly-lit light box that can feature the church’s logo.

Tubular kiosks include a seven-inch touchscreen with customisable display graphics, personalised for each church. Fabricated from mild steel, the kiosk will stay robust for many years. Elegant and eye-catching, it fits neatly into church buildings or can be moved to fund raising events organised by the church.

‘Installation is super fast as communication is taken care of with its built-in SIM Card and the unit only requires one power socket,’ explained Kevin. ‘You can also customise donation amounts, e.g £5, £10, £20 and £30.

‘We are very proud knowing that a British-designed and manufactured kiosk will soon be helping local churches generate donations for the many excellent activities in which they are involved.’

• Tubular Systems Ltd are on stand B9 at CRE National 2019

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ByDave Hall

From no fixed abode to pastures of plenty

Ending homelessness is Green Pastures’ big vision – and your church can be part of it.

That will be the message to CRE National 2019 from Pastor Pete Cunningham, Vicki Woodley and Andy Cunningham, members of a local church in Southport, who raised their own funds and purchased two flats in 1997.

‘We housed a couple with a child living in a garage, along with a single mum and child living in a derelict caravan,’ explained Pastor Pete. ‘The rest is history. We are now housing more than 1000 customers across the UK and the Lord is growing our ministry every year.’

Pastor Pete pastored several churches before taking on the small congregation in Southport in 1993.

‘At first, we provided temporary accommodation in our church building, for homeless individuals and families,’ said Pete. ‘We used our fellowship room, a converted garage and church cellar, making them as pleasant as possible. But the local environmental health department informed us we were contravening the law.’

He maintains that the years since have been some of the most wonderful they have experienced in the service of God.

‘Our first resident, a single mother aged 21, had been living in one room with her baby,’ he recalled. ‘What a joy it was to help her and fulfil God’s word. It appeared to us that the 21st Century church was not so eager to help the poor as the one we read about in the 1st Century.’

Today, Green Pastures have partners all over the UK, housing hundreds of formerly homeless people.

‘We have seen some amazing changes in people because they have a key to their own home,’ said Pete. ‘Alcoholics are free from alcohol addiction. Drug addicts are free from drug addiction. Unemployed young people with life skills problems are now working. Most wonderful of all is the number of people who have come to Christ, not through our preaching of the Gospel, but by our doing the Gospel.

‘We dream of every church in the UK having at least one house to house the homeless. That would mean an additional 100,000 people would be housed and cared for. We’ll be at CRE National 2019 and CRE Midlands 2020, showing local church leaders and members how they can join us in this exciting initiative.’

• Green Pastures will be on stand S110 at CRE National 2019

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