CRE News

ByDave Hall

From Detroit to Ukraine: casting bread on the waters

From a daily thought recorded at a radio station in Detroit to a worldwide provider of Bible notes, Our Daily Bread Ministries has made great inroads over the past 80 years.

‘We have always been committed to making the word of God understandable and accessible to everyone, and this is still our spiritual foundation,’ said Steve Mitchell (pictured), chief executive officer of the ministry based in Carnforth, Lancashire.

Today more than 600 people in 35 countries create resources distributed to more than 150 countries around the world in 58 languages.

Our Daily Bread resources in Ukrainian

‘Our UK office was established in 1987 due to the increasing demand in Europe for English language-based Our Daily Bread bible reading notes and Discovery Series booklets,’ said Steve. ‘We’ll introduce CRE visitors to our notes and a selection of our other literature – all free to pick up at our stand or you can order them to be sent to you.

‘For those churches helping Ukrainian refugees at this very difficult time we’ll have a limited supply of Our Daily Bread resources in the Ukrainian language to help them as they face life in a new country.’

Yana, director of Our Daily Bread Ministries’ Ukraine, was forced to close the office in Kiev and flee her home along with millions of others.

‘It’s not a situation we can solve,’ she said. ‘People are so worried and stressed. We need the Lord to lead us.’

• Our Daily Bread are on stand F3 at CRE National 2022

Our next exhibition

CRE Midlands 2023
8-9 November 2023
Cranmore Park, Birmingham

ByDave Hall

‘Give me the child…’: Charity targets help for pre-school children

‘Give me a child till he’s seven, and I will show you the man.’

So said Aristotle, echoed by St Ignatius of Loyola. Building on this approach, Keith Tripp believes the first five years are critical to development that will form the foundation for adulthood.

‘A child’s health and wellbeing along with cognitive and language development is foundational to their ability to learn and earn throughout their life,’ said Keith, regional director for northern Europe for two worldwide organisations dedicated to helping improve the lives of people in a rapidly-changing world. The Global Business Roundtable UK Foundation (GBR) encourages people to live as God wants them to live and sister company – Global Fund for Jesus (GFFJ) – helps the world’s most disadvantaged people.

‘GFFJ (UK) wants to address the cause of poverty issues and establish a project, Firm Family Foundations, that endeavours to make a meaningful difference in the lives of families with pre-school aged children,’ said Keith.

The project is in partnership with Kingdom Pre-School in Kent and includes a range of interventions, education and support for the whole family.

GFFJ was set up to help the world’s most disadvantaged people. Both GFFJ and GBR were established in South Africa 12 years ago and Keith, 62, a chartered marketeer, was an adviser for the organisations before taking on his present challenging role five years ago.

• GFFJ are on stand D2 at CRE National 2022

Our next exhibition

CRE Midlands 2023
8-9 November 2023
Cranmore Park, Birmingham

ByDave Hall

‘Miserly’ Chris is the wizard of warm

Soaring energy prices are set to hit churches everywhere – but Chris Dunphy (pictured), founder and MD of ChurchEcoMiser, believes he can help.

‘Electricity is at the forefront of renewable energy and, as a company, we have moved away from dependence on fossil fuels to specialise only in all-electric heating systems,’ said Chris who has spent 45 years heating churches the length and breadth of Britain. ‘Our system looks and operates in a similar way to a traditional radiator system but without the need for a boiler or obtrusive pipework. With a range of sizes and colours available, radiators can be discreetly sited almost anywhere.’

Chris Dunphy
Chris Dunphy, founder and MD of ChurchEcoMiser

Chris visits churches personally to provide a bespoke option, exclusively prepared to their requirements. The system was devised for what Chris thought would be the ideal system for remote country churches where gas was either unavailable or expensive to install – ‘but it proved a popular option for all churches.’

Over the years he has designed and installed more than 1,000 heating systems in churches and church buildings and, because many are Victorian or medieval buildings, protecting the fabric has always been as important as heating the congregation. He will be at CRE National 2022 to chat about your church heating system and make a date to visit the premises.

He does not have any connection or affiliation to any other heating company – so if it is a genuine ChurchEcoMiser system you are interested in, or it is Chris that you wish to meet, make contact with Chris personally.

• ChurchEcoMiser are on stand J1 at CRE National 2022

Our next exhibition

CRE Midlands 2023
8-9 November 2023
Cranmore Park, Birmingham

ByDave Hall

Making lives better by the book

Book Aid are back – giving you yet another reason to attend CRE National 2021!

‘Our van will be at Sandown Park, near the main entrance,’ said director Christine Pulsford. ‘We always need Bibles, theological books and commentaries, in fact all manner of Christian books. If you have any you can donate, please bring them with you. All we ask is that they are in good condition.’

While many British Christians have dusty tomes languishing in lofts, their fellow believers around the world are bringing the faith to others with limited literary resources at their disposal. 

Started some 34 years ago, Book Aid has distributed around 35 million second-hand Christian books and Bibles to overseas partners – mainly in Africa.

With a network of collection points in the UK, donated books make their way to the warehouses for sorting and selecting. Many are shipped overseas to Book Aid partner bookshops. Others are sold in Book Aid’s four UK Book Aid shops in London, Doncaster, Belfast and Barnard Castle – to help cover shipping and administration costs.

‘Our shops are filled with a wide range of Christian books – from rare finds to contemporary publications. If you enjoy reading, we look forward to welcoming you,’ said Christine. ‘And if you are unable to visit our bookshops, we also sellbooks online to support the ministry.

‘Our current project, “Spreading the Word”, started as a project to provide more Bibles for our partner in Zimbabwe. We simply cannot supply enough! So if you have Bibles, we would be delighted to receive them. Just remember – if you’d be happy to receive it, we’ll be happy to send it. More partners are asking to join this project too, so we need more Bibles than ever.’

• The Book Aid van will near the main entrance to CRE National 2021

Image: Jessica Ruscello/Unsplash

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

Queen Elizabeth: Juliet’s banner is perfect tribute

Churches wanting to mark Queen Elizabeth’s reign and Christian beliefs should check out a new banner on Juliet Hemingray’s stand at next month’s CRE National.

Juliet’s creation is an ideal permanent tribute to Britain’s longest-serving monarch.

‘It seemed right to use the verse from Micah to reflect how the Queen lived her life,’ said Juliet. ‘The design shows quatrefoils from the facade of Westminster Abbey. The Queen’s canopy and the crown are made up of people and trumpets in proclamation of joy. Edged in black and containing the dates of her birth and death, there are loops and tassels in gold.’

The banner will be made in a variety of fabrics and embellished with coloured and silver and gold cords. Swarovski crystal rhinestones will reflect the light from the banner. The background fabric will be of high-quality brocade.

‘The design speaks to me about her faith and walk with Jesus throughout her life,’ said Juliet. ‘Her commitment to the green canopy has inspired the planting of many, many trees that will benefit the environment.’

Ideal for churches considering a memorial chapel to the late Queen, the banner will be on show at Juliet’s stand, along with items from her huge range of stoles, altar fronts, banners, copes, mitres and chasubles.

Trained as an art and design teacher, Juliet was asked to design and make an embroidered preaching scarf to be worn at children’s services. The creation – a fun scene of hills, sheep, fish, stars moon and sky – became the inspiration for a business which began in 1980 and has brought a colourful approach to the worship of hundreds of churches worldwide.

• Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles are on stand P4 at CRE National 2022

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

The day Helen asked for a house – and was offered two

Helen Syrop read a news article about homelessness and wanted to do something in Bradford.

She rang CRE National 2022 exhibitor Green Pastures and asked if they could buy a house to help her. She was asked: ‘What if we buy you two?’ 

‘Housing the homeless is an extremely rewarding job,’ said Helen. ‘It’s very beautiful to work and walk with people through the ups and downs of their lives.

Vaslef, who found a home and support from Green Pastures

Vaslef (above), for example, had no home and was sleeping in a Bradford park. He had one set of clothes and no jacket and decided to end his life. However, through the partnership of Green Pastures and Hope Housing, he was given a home and support. He calls Helen ‘an angel.’ 

‘It’s me every day, a very big thank you – thank you God!’ said Vaslef.

Solicitor Richard Norridge believes truly ethical investments are very hard to come by – but the one set up by Green Pastures is the best he has come across.

Pastor Pete Cunningham
Pastor Pete Cunningham, co-founder of Green Pastures

The fund was set up 11 years ago and now works with more than 75 churches and Christian charities to provide homes and support for 1,100 people who had been homeless.

The Green Pastures Community Benefit Society Limited (CBS) is an Exempt Charity registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. Through this vehicle, the CBS issues loan stock to investors.

Subscriptions for loan stock inject cash into the CBS which uses the money to purchase and build property, often in conjunction with other sources of finance. Investors select an interest rate in the range of 0 to 4 per cent p.a. for investments of 1 to 4 years, or in the range of 0 to 5 per cent p.a. for terms of five years and over.

For every £15,000 invested, one person is housed and supported. By selecting less than the maximum return, more homeless people are helped. 

Green Pastures began when Pastor Pete Cunningham found people sleeping under the Southport pier. He felt challenged by the Lord to put his hand in his own pocket and cashed in his small pension. Church member Vicki Woodley re-mortgaged and together they put a deposit on two flats to house two people. Green Pastures was born. 

The vision grew greater than they ever imagined.  Twenty years later, the same passion to release churches to eradicate local homelessness burns brightly.

Green Pastures are on stand Y1 at CRE National 2022

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

Climate change: let’s lead not lag

A charity set up in 2004 to provide a Christian response to the climate crisis will give a Christian perspective for change at CRE National 2022.

Dr Darrell D. Hannah, chair of the board and rector of All Saints, Ascot Heath, will speak on the urgent need for action (2.30pm, Tue 11 Oct). An American, Dr Hannah moved to the UK in 1992 to take a doctorate at Cambridge in Christian Origins and has remained in the country ever since. In his view, responding to the climate crisis is a missional activity.

Rev Dr Darrell D. Hannah of Operation Noah

Ruth Jarman, who co-founded Operation Noah because she saw the need for a Christian voice speaking truth into the climate crisis, said: ‘There are clear biblical reasons to make creation care a Christian imperative. Young people especially are calling for the church to act. We should be leading on this. We are the ones who believe in a loving creator and we are currently heading towards an unhabitable planet!’

Operation Noah representatives will identify some of the things Christians can do and explain how they can help get the message across to friends and church members. Earlier this year the charity was shortlisted for the David & Goliath Award as part of the National Campaigner Awards presented by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation – a recognition of Operation Noah’s small size but big impact in taking on a giant issue! 

‘We work with churches of all denominations to address the climate crisis, particularly through our Bright Now campaign, which encourages churches to divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions like renewable energy,’ added Ruth.

The Bright Now campaign is also starting to work with churches on large-scale, nature-based solutions, from increasing tree cover to other environmentally sensitive ways of managing church land.

• Operation Noah are on stand S6 at CRE National 2022

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

Queen Elizabeth: as we mourn, let’s minister

When the death of Queen Elizabeth II was announced the Rev Cassius Francis immediately thought of his grandmother.

‘She would have been glued to the news and I would have dared anyone to speak or interrupt the coverage while she was watching!’ said Cassius, a church trainer and resource provider with Loss and HOPE, exhibitors at CRE National 2022. ‘It is difficult to dispute the global recognition of and respect for our Queen. The country will feel her death more deeply because, for most of our lives, when everything else has changed, the Queen has been a constant.

Rev Cassius Francis

‘The lasting image I have of her is sitting alone in the church for her husband’s funeral. I can’t imagine, after being married to someone for over 70 years, how that must have felt. That image symbolised the pain and loss of so very many people during the pandemic. Our prayers are with King Charles III, the royal family and anyone affected by her passing, that they may know God’s peace, presence and comfort at this difficult time.’

With about 600,000 people dying in the UK each year, impacting partners, children, parents, other relations, friends or colleagues, Loss and HOPE, a project of charity AtaLoss, is a valuable coalition of organisations who feel passionately about churches of all denominations being equipped to support the bereaved.

‘We are asking churches to direct bereaved people in prayer stations and services to the signposting website – – to find help,’ said Cassius, who is also a minister with the Wesleyan Holiness Church. ‘Churches can also plan to offer The Bereavement Journey® to their communities over coming weeks. As we mourn, let’s use this opportunity to learn how to support each other for the health of our nation.’

Cassius is speaking on ‘Bereavement support – mental ill-health prevention and effective emerging mission’ at CRE National 2022 (2pm, Wed 12 Oct).

• Loss and HOPE are on stand E8 at CRE National 2022

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

‘Blunder-free’ Bible to be unveiled at CRE

Since the first one more than 630 years ago there have been about 150 English translations of the Bible – but a scholar, poet and grammar expert will be at CRE National 2022 to tell us about the ‘thousand blunders’ repeatedly left uncorrected in all of them.

Christopher Sparkes spent 20 years painstakingly going back to the original Greek and Hebrew and has taken a different approach to translation, using what he calls ‘deep grammar, transcendent logic, internal harmony and diamond-mining research’ to unpick the locks and discover the meanings of Greek and Hebrew words and phrases ‘wrongly translated in every single English version.’

The result is the Keys to the Kingdom Holy Bible, available at CRE National 2022. Chris will also speak about the need for the new version (2pm, Tue 11 Oct). The bible is published by Filament Publishing, a company set up in 1999 by Chris Day who spent a decade with global publisher Encyclopaedia Britannica.

‘My vision was to create a new publishing house that was more author-centric and more flexible to their needs to build a business around their book,’ he said.

The new Bible is, according to Filament, ‘the first pure translation into English of the actual words of the Apostles – not influenced by creeds, traditions or the preconceptions of the translators.’

Sparkes was born in Birmingham in 1951 and lives in Petersfield, Hampshire. After lecturing in higher and further education, he is now a freelance educator. Since 1997, he has been looking into English translations and said: ‘I was stunned when I began looking at Hebrew and Greek words of the Old and New Testaments and comparing them with English Bibles. Some of the English words and phrases did not match the original grammatical forms. Nor did they match the internal themes. Furthermore, the rogue English was consistently backing certain themes of church traditions.’

• Filament Publishing and the Keys to the Kingdom Holy Bible are on stand S2 at CRE National 2022

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

ByDave Hall

The Holy Spirit: helping you live life to the max

Pandemics rage, bills soar, stress goes off the charts – but pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado (above) believes help is here.

‘Now more than ever, we’re all weary from the loads we carry and the challenges we face,’ said Max. ‘We have questions we cannot answer and problems we cannot solve. We’d hoped that life would be an invigorating adventure or an inspiring journey. We never expected to grow so tired so quickly. But we can find fresh strength and purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit.’

The Bible makes more than 100 references to the Holy Spirit, claims Max, and Jesus says more about the third person of the trinity than he does about the church, marriage, finances and the future. But do we really know the Spirit? In his new book Help Is Here (Thomas Nelson), Max will give you the tools and encouragement you need to:

  • Learn who the Spirit is and how the Spirit can help
  • Become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered as you draw closer to God
  • Confidently take on any difficulty with the power of the Spirit
  • Discover your unique gifts and purpose to further God’s kingdom

‘Our Good Shepherd doesn’t just feed us, he leads us,’ said Max. ‘He does more than correct us; he directs us. God keeps us on track and best of all, he’s commissioned the Holy Spirit to guide us down the winding roads of life, wherever they may lead us.

‘No more walking this path alone. No more carrying weight you were not intended to bear. It’s time for you to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience the vigorous life he offers. You can rest easy knowing that help is here.’

Book your tickets to CRE National 2022 for as little as £3 (£8 on the door)

Our next exhibitions

CRE National 2022
11-13 October 2022
Sandown Park, Surrey

CRE North 2023
3-4 May 2023
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool