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ByDave Hall

Goodbye noticeboards, hello Info Point

When members of an historic church wanted to help visitors understand its special features they called on Info Point.

Now visitors to St Barnabas Church, Brampton Bryan, in Herefordshire use their mobile phones to access details of the church as they wander round the building and churchyard.

‘It is a wonderful addition,’ said churchwarden Michael Dugdale. ‘Many visitors mention how helpful the system is in the visitors’ book. It’s an easy way to discover more of the church’s history and means we do not need a series of notice boards dotted round the building.’

He also pointed out that a number of local churches have looked at the system and are considering installing it. The church – a Grade I listed building – is believed to be one of only six English churches built or rebuilt during the Commonwealth Period (1649–1660), after being destroyed together with much of the adjoining castle and the majority of the village during the Civil War. Info Point enables visitors to gain a greater understanding about the building’s rich heritage and includes two tours: one that explores the history and architecture and another designed specifically for children.

Dan Boys, managing director of Derbyshire-based Info Point, believes that if a church is looking to share its rich history and increase donations, then Info Point can help.

‘With Info Point you can effortlessly share exclusive text, images, audio, video and interactive games directly to your visitor’s phone,’ he said. ‘It is easy to update and uses less power than a low energy light bulb. It doesn’t require wi-fi or a mobile network. In fact, Info Point can be installed anywhere – even outside with our solar-powered version.’

It is possible to get an Info Point for your church for free.

‘Our funding support team have a strong track record in securing funding for a wide range of church projects,’ said Dan. ‘As part of our Hidden Stories scheme we’ll apply for the funding on your behalf. The package includes an Info Point and the creation of a church tour as part of a wider community project.’

• Info Point are on stand E13 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Discover the powerful mentoring programme that rescues, restores and revives

Working for a mission helping street kids in Guatemala Alastair Welford was concerned how mentoring youngsters finished when they became young adults.

Some returned to the street with all the problems that created – so he and his wife, Debbie, began to work with them, creating courses in mentoring to support churches and community groups.

Nicodemus was born – a Christian charity dedicated to rescuing, restoring and reviving broken lives.

‘Mentoring can play a powerful role in fostering spiritual growth, developing leadership skills and promoting good mental health,’ he explains. ‘The training can, for example, enhance existing or new community mentoring programmes, support discipleship relationships and enable trust to be effectively built between volunteer mentors and those they are caring for.’

In the past 10 years Nicodemus, exhibitors at CRE Midlands 2023, mentored 1,373 vulnerable young people, rescued 2,288 from street living and made an impact on the lives of 15,428 young people. Last year 330 mentors were trained and another 170 in the first three months of 2023. The two courses – Foundational Specialist Mentoring and Child Sexual Exploitation – used to great effect in Guatemala and 10 other Latin American countries, are available in the UK, to enable church volunteers to serve as mentors and disciple-makers.

Sasha, who was living alone and pregnant at 19, praises the programme. ‘My economic situation and my pregnancy mean I feel frustrated and discouraged,’ she said. ‘But I have a mentor supporting me and she helps me find solutions, supporting me with medical consultations and in other areas. God is the centre of my life and that of my baby. My experiences have made me want to help other people.’

Nicodemus are offering CRE visitors and supporters an opportunity to take the Foundational Specialist Mentoring course for free – one person per church (available as an online course 24/7). Simply register at and enter the offer code CRE236. Others wishing to do the course may purchase access at affordable prices – between £35 and £16 per person depending on the number purchased.

‘We often encounter churches and outreach groups where people have a passion to do something and support individuals in their community, to improve their mental health,’ said Alastair and Debbie’s son, Jonnie Welford, Latin America director. ‘Our training series equips people to serve as mentors and disciple-makers in their spheres of influence, both by practising and creating a culture of mentoring within the church and beyond its walls in our communities.’

Alastair and Debbie look forward to talking through their services with visitors at CRE Midlands 2023.

• The Nicodemus Charity is on stand A27 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Dozens of organisations bowled over by plans for CRE North 2024

Less than a month before England face Australia at Old Trafford, news of CRE’s next innings in Manchester was outlined to more than 50 guests at the atmospheric venue.

Representing businesses, missions and churches from across the north west and beyond, attendees heard from Bishop Tony Porter, formerly vicar of Holy Trinity, Platt and Mark Mitchell, founder of the Mitchell Group car dealership at Cheshire Oaks, who praised the vision of owner Steve Goddard for bringing CRE North to the BEC Arena (15/16 May 2024).

‘The exhibition is a vital opportunity for Christians of all denominations to find something to assist them in their ministry and witness,’ said Mark, a former High Sheriff of Chester. In a wide-ranging interview he admitted to beginning his commercial life at eight years of age, selling hamsters in the school playground.

Having set up the company in 1990 with £100 share capital and a £10,000 bank overdraft, the Mitchell Group, based at Cheshire Oaks, now employs 100 people, with a turnover of £50 million – in spite of the dealership not opening on a Sunday.

‘We have a sign which says: “At home with the family”. In an industry where standards are not high, we can stand out,’ he said. ‘Not all our staff are Christians. They are employed on the basis of skills and experience but we are the closest many of them will get to understanding Christianity. We have to be Christ to them. I follow the Bible verse – “Those who honour me I will honour.”’

He recalled the time when a major car manufacturer wanted to change the franchise to ensure dealers were open on a Sunday. Despite the huge impact it would have on his company, Mark refused to continue with the manufacturer, telling them: ‘I am more accountable to my maker than any auto manufacturer.’

His company now deals with three major brands – Lexus, Mazda and Skoda.

The interview followed entertainment from Wirrall-based Christian magician Steve Price, a Gold Star member of The Magic Circle and one-time winner of the Circler’s Originality Prize. Steve regularly entertains groups of all ages, taking his show to churches as well as cruise liners. Brett Pitchfork, CRE event director, explained how CRE North 2024, at the BEC Arena (15/16 May 2024) will be the first one in Manchester for five years.

‘It was the preferred venue of the majority of our 160+ exhibitors,’ said Brett. ‘Within the first two weeks of stand sales more than 25 per cent of the floor space had already been taken.’

Speaking before the event at Old Trafford, Rt Revd David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, said: ‘We are delighted CRE is returning to Manchester. Here is an opportunity for dozens of organisations to bring skills, services, ideas and resources to the north and for members of all church traditions to come and draw inspiration from them.’

• To book a stand at CRE North 24 (BEC Arena, Manchester 15/16 May 2024) contact James Batterbee on 0161 250 2306  (E: or Carol Malpas on 0161 250 2467 (E: Floorplans and price list available here.

ByDave Hall

Introducing the ‘me and eucharist’

A Birmingham pastor who started his own company creating easy-to-use communion containers, will exhibit his products for the first time at CRE Midlands (8/9 Nov, Cranmore Park, Solihull).

Bayo Oniye explained: ‘I was at a conference where the visiting speaker used a similar, all-in-one-system and realised how useful it was. When I contacted the company I heard nothing, so I decided to create my own, much-improved product.’

Bayo and Bakang Oniye

Holding a Masters’ degree in medical engineering, Bayo sold hip and knee replacements to orthopaedic surgeons before becoming co-pastor with his wife Bakang, a pharmacist, at Five Grace Church in Birmingham. 

Together they started mmeyou – ‘a combination of two words — Me and You – from the words of our Lord Jesus: “This is My body (Me) which is broken for you (you).”’ The prefilled (all-in-one or separate) communion cups of red grape juice have a choice of packaged communion cracker or wafer.

‘Our vision is to serve the local church with a great tasting and hygienically-packaged product, especially important after Covid-19,’ said Bayo. ‘These are Holy Communion elements made from 100 per cent natural ingredients – ideal for individuals, families, small groups, churches and people taking part in services online. No matter how small or great your needs, we are here for you.’

Bayo believes mmeyou products are particularly useful for pastors taking communion in people’s homes.

‘While our containers have a large tag for opening purposes there is also a special pack for people who find it difficult to open the containers with the wafer in a small pouch,’ he explained.

​Bakang, who looks after quality control, ensures there are no chemical preservatives in the drinks. There is also up to 100 per cent more drink (7ml of red grape juice per cup) than similar products, with a long shelf-life – eight months from manufacture. The cups can also be recycled.

• mmeyou are on stand DS5 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Eyes down for the next Big Church Read

When Steve Barnett heard of The Big Thames Valley Read, in which everyone who lived alongside the river was encouraged to read Three Men in a Boat, he thought a similar idea would work in a church setting.

‘I reckoned everyone reading the same book at the same time would build fellowship and deepen faith,’ said Steve, who runs St Andrew’s Bookshop, exhibitors at CRE Midlands 2023.

Many years later, during lockdown, he was talking with Andy Lyon from HodderFaith about ways to get people reading. They decided to create The National Big Church Read if they could get either John Mark Comer or Pete Greig to join in. And both agreed! Three years on there are now over 40 Big Church Reads to choose from.

‘We encourage groups and churches to journey through a specific book together,’ said Steve. ‘The author records a short video for each week in which they encourage people to talk about the book. This can be played from the Big Church Read website.’

What has excited Steve is that people are drawn into reading who might not normally – and many read the whole book.

‘In our survey we discovered a third of the respondents said they didn’t usually read Christian books, and others said they didn’t finish books they had started,’ he said. ‘But all the people who did not normally read the whole book, did so.

‘We are hearing of how groups have been drawn closer, faith deepened and lives changed. This is why more than 90 per cent of those who have already been involved in a Big Church Read say they will join in another.’

‘I just want to see more people reading and taking advantage of the wonderful books which are available,’ added Steve.

• The 3rd National Big Church Read starts on May 24
• St Andrew’s Bookshop are on stand C23 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Why there’s no need to fear the staging process

Be it a choral production, theatrical performance or presentation of ideas, an event is so much better if it can be viewed easily.

‘A stage helps to create the perfect platform,’ said Bill Bates (above, seen at CRE 2022), business development manager at Gopak Ltd. The British manufacturer and long-standing CRE exhibitor has been producing its Ultralight Staging System since 2006 alongside a range of lightweight folding tables – firm favourites with churches nationwide.

One church in Sheffield bought a Gopak stage when Covid-19 struck. For the first time their church services were transmitted online and a stage gave the music group and speaker much more visibility. The system is still in use.

Meanwhile a ladies’ singing group decided a portable stage would enhance their performances and a Gopak system won the day.

‘Our Ultralight staging system, constructed from aluminium like all other Gopak products, is a simple folding option ideal for any organisation without a permanent stage,’ said Bill. ‘It is great for choirs, musicians and performers who go from venue to venue and need to ensure they have a raised stage.

‘We have a range of 14 additional staging packages that include apron-fronted options, catwalks and drum risers. With straightforward assembly and disassembly, Ultralight is ideal for churches with limited time or space. Unlike many other options, our stages are made in Britain with care.’

While the company started in an East Sussex shed in 1954, it moved to purpose-built premises in Hythe, Kent in 1973 from where it has been producing its range of award-winning products.

We have supported CRE from its inception in 1985 and it is a great opportunity to discuss new products with a huge number of prospects and existing customers in one place,’ said Gopak’s Diane Ponting.

• Gopak are on stand P65 at CRE Midlands 2023

Photo:  Bill Bates, business development manager at Gopak Ltd

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Why there are 29,000 reasons to use a trusted energy broker

When the gas supplier to St Andrew’s Church, Islington, went into administration the church made a sensible decision – to call in a specialist energy broker.

Regular CRE exhibitor Andrew Silley, 64, found the church a more competitive supplier than the Ofgem supplier of last resort. However, due to the company’s poor practice, the contract never went live – an issue which didn’t come to light for a couple of months. Andrew raised a complaint with the supplier, who refused to accept any responsibility.

Award-winning energy broker Andrew Silley (centre)

A former churchwarden himself, Andrew then submitted a complaint to Ofgem who upheld the complaint, found against the energy supplier and agreed to Andrew’s suggested resolution – that the PCC of the Barnsbury Team Ministry should not be financially disadvantaged as a consequence of the ‘negligent’ actions of the supplier of last resort. The remedy agreed by Ofgem is that the supplier has been instructed to credit the Barnsbury Team Ministry approximately £29,000 over the next three years.

The company concerned challenged Ofgem’s decision but this was dismissed and Andrew is now working to ensure payments are made to the PCC of Barnsbury Team Ministry. 

None of the staff at St Andrew’s have had to spend any time securing the outcome – they simply had to be patient and trust Andrew’s expertise!

‘Lots of churches, charities and businesses think they can do it best when it comes to renewing energy supply contracts. Why use an energy broker?’ said Andrew. ‘But this episode demonstrates why it is worth getting expert advice.’

Andrew, who has exhibited at CRE for many years, is committed to using his industry knowledge and expertise to help churches and charities get the best deals for their energy.  National retail chains, schools, care homes, churches and charities are amongst his customers.

‘I will usually get customers a better price from energy suppliers than they can obtain for themselves,’ he said. ‘I’m also available to be used by my customers as a remote consultant, to deal with issues that might arise.’

Things can go wrong when switching between suppliers and that’s where his industry knowledge and expertise comes into its own. He will never invoice for his services and offers a completely ‘hands free’ service that will save churches and charities time, effort and money.  His work saves churches time and the hassle of dealing directly with energy suppliers.

• Andrew Silley is on stand C35 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Pursuing a dream and changing a life

‘Your “student” has done better than she ever imagined possible,’ read the message. ‘We have obtained funding from seven out of 12 applications!’

They are words which blessed Sean Tully, a trusts and foundations specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in grant-making and trust fundraising. Sean now works for CRE exhibitor and sponsor Action Planning, a specialist consultancy for charities and other non-profit organisations.

‘It was a simple piece of work but had a profound personal effect on the volunteer, who prefers to remain anonymous,’ said Sean. ‘It’s always good to hear our support is bearing fruit for an organisation but the message went on to reveal a valuable personal benefit, too.’

The message continued: ‘The whole process caused me stress and angst. As a newbie to the village in which I live, what would it be like if I achieved nothing for the community? I realised there are things I can put my heart and soul into that can turn into something special from a starting point of nothing. In this respect the process has been life changing – thanks to your experienced counselling. So this is a very personal thank you for helping me through the process and for challenging what I was doing, to make it more relevant. We are now obtaining tenders for our project and the whole village is excited about the prospect of a new space for community to flourish.’

Action Planning’s work with churches ranges from very simple challenges like this, to complex challenges such as the successful bid compiled for the Diocese of Oxford in which a £2m grant was won from the Church of England Strategic Development Fund.

‘This client testimony came as a welcome reminder never to underestimate the impact we can have on the people we work with, regardless of the size of the prize,’ reflected Sean.

The thank-you letter concluded: ‘Bid writing is a lonely job and one which I had not tackled before but only by doing the job does one discovers what is involved. I am now thinking about what else I could tackle that I never thought I could do – singing is one of my thoughts!’

Sean commented: ‘Singing tuition in not among the many services we offer at Action Planning, but if our support inspires our clients to sing as well, we’re very happy with that!’

• Action Planning will be on stand B15 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Let auto-reporting ease your copyright burden

A new system which automatically reports which hymns and songs have been used during a church service has been well received by churches throughout the UK.

‘Auto-reporting removes one of the biggest pain-points facing our licence holders,’ said Rich Burrough of CRE Midlands exhibitors CCLI. ‘We rely on reports from our customers so that royalties can be fairly and accurately distributed to song owners. But we know that it can be a burden and we have long wanted to make it easier to do.’

For the past few years, all reporting has had to be done manually online with churches encouraged to report weekly following their Sunday services.

‘We’re indebted to the many churches who report,’ continued Rich. ‘In the UK, the accuracy (and therefore integrity) of our pay outs is admired by mainstream copyright organisations, some of whom we work in partnership with. But, while most of the time it’s a fairly straightforward process, with a repertoire of 600,000 authorised songs, finding the correct version of a song can sometimes be a time-consuming process. With more than 24,000 UK churches registered with CCLI, plus a similar number of schools and Christian organisations, it’s so important that we get this right, so we’re really pleased to be introducing a better way.’

Now, with Auto-reporting, churches can connect a growing list of participating presentation and planning tools to CCLI’s reporting website – and their reports will be done for them! Auto-reporting is now available through ProPresenter, EasyWorship, MediaShout, Proclaim, OnSong, ChurchTools, SongBeamer, Loop Community’s Prime multitracks app and three free WorshipTools applications – Presenter, Planning and Music Stand. Other popular applications are coming soon.

How you enable Auto-reporting depends on the application you use but is typically as easy as ticking a box within your worship software. Then, as long as the songs in your setlists and service plans include the CCLI song number, they’ll be reported automatically. The best and easiest way to ensure the song number is always present and correct is to use CCLI’s SongSelect to pull in lyrics. Lyrics on SongSelect are now available free to all CCLI Church Copyright Licence holders.

‘Thousands of churches have already enabled Auto-reporting,’ says Rich, who will be at CRE Midlands 2023. ‘I’m looking forward to showing CRE visitors how easy it is, and helping more and more to get started.’

• CCLI are on stand D29 at CRE Midlands 2023

Book your ticket for CRE Midlands 2023 here from as little as £3

Organisations looking to book a stand should contact James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E: or Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

ByDave Hall

Twin your turnips and bless a family

Twin your garden and plant hope for a family in rural Kenya.

That’s the suggestion from Ripple Effect, a charity that works alongside farmers in six countries in East Africa, helping them learn more, grow more and sell more.

‘If you are proud of your garden, whether it is large or small or even a simple patio, you might like to twin it with a family in Migori, Kenya,’ said Ann Hatton, Ripple Effect’s church development executive. ‘By doing so, you will plant hope for a family, so they can grow more food in their own gardens.’

Ripple Effect started in 1998, under the title Send a Cow. Christian farmers answered an appeal from the Bishop of Uganda, with families desperately short of milk after a long civil war. But from that humble beginning the project blossomed, enabling African families to learn how to create productive allotments on small plots of land – to produce food to feed the family and provide enough to sell for other necessities.

‘We are a farming expertise charity, training women how to improve the quality of land they farm,’ said Ann. ‘We also offer talks on health and safety, as well as social development – and in more recent times, Covid-19.’

Ripple Effect, exhibitors at CRE Midlands 2023, are now asking UK Christians to twin their gardens to plant hope for a family in Migori, Kenya. A £60 donation provides three years training in sustainable organic farming, beginning with a small kitchen garden which the families are encouraged to set up and use as a small business which can also provide for others.

‘Not only that, but the families helped are encouraged to share what they have learned with neighbours and communities, creating a ripple effect across rural Africa,’ explained Ann.

‘Families learn to build productive farms and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis. Women and people with different needs and abilities get a greater voice and influence in their communities. Farmers learn enterprise skills and become resilient entrepreneurs, in charge of their own futures.’

She pointed out that UK donors not only gets the pleasure of knowing they are giving a new start to a family in a rural district of Kenya, but also receive a sustainable wooden plaque to mount in their own garden, a vegetable growing guide from no-dig expert Charles Dowding, and wildflower seeds to give a colourful annual reminder of the help they have given to others. In the same way, churches with gardens can twin them and display the plaque to those who visit.

• Ripple Effect are on stand F7 at CRE Midlands

Organisations looking to book a stand at CRE Midlands 23 should contact Carol Malpass 0161 250 2467 (E: or James Batterbee 0161 250 2306 (E:

Click to view the latest floorplan and price list for available stands

Visitor registration for CRE Midlands 23 will begin in the Spring