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ByDave Hall

Post-Brexit Britain: Archbishop of York welcomes CRE seminar

A seminar where churches will come together to try and find a way forward through the Brexit crisis, has been welcomed by the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

Hosted by Andy Flannagan of Christians in Politics, the seminar (CRE North, Event City, Manchester, 12pm, Wed 13 Mar) will ask whether or not the church is in part responsible for the current situation.

‘Have we critiqued from the sidelines instead of getting on the political pitch?’ said Flannagan. ‘Whatever the situation on March 29th we need to move forward positively. We will discuss what role churches can play in bridging the cultural divide and bring communities together again.’

Archbishop John, who is asking people to say a special prayer three times a day in light of the current political crisis, has welcomed the initiative.

‘CRE is an event that brings together churches from many different traditions and persuasions,’ he said. ‘It is an ideal place for positive discussion and agenda setting. My prayer is that we all find wisdom, courage, integrity and compassion for our political leaders and MPs, for reconciliation and a fresh and uniting vision for everyone.’

The Archbishop’s Prayer

God of eternal love and power,
Save our Parliamentary Democracy;
Protect the High Court of Parliament and all its members
From partiality and prejudice;
That they may walk humbly the path of kindness, justice and mercy.
Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good.
The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength,
Therefore we pray earnestly, Father,
send them help from your Holy Place, and be their tower of strength.
Lord, graciously hear us. Amen.

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> See the seminar programme for CRE North 2019
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Days of shuffling sheet music are over

The days of shuffling sheet music during the Lord’s Prayer are over – thanks to Power Music Software Ltd.

Songs or hymns can be set up silently, effortlessly, on ipad or tablet, often at the touch of a foot-controlled switch. The change has had a large impact among musicians and is also environmentally friendly with the amount of sheet music copied in churches reduced significantly.

Gordon Cameron, director of Cambron Software, makers of Power Music, said: ‘When we first demonstrated our equipment we were told it would not catch on but more and more musicians are using it.’

Its popularity proved frustrating for a number of older musicians whose eyes can’t catch the notes quick enough on an ipad.

‘However, they are delighted with the larger screens – from 22 to 27 inches – which we now provide,’ continued Gordon, who began the company 10 years ago.

And a recent collaboration with – an American website – has resulted in access to high-quality chord sheets.

‘This new initiative gives users access to more than 1,000 of the highest-quality chord sheets with new sheets added daily,’ said Gordon. ‘This save musicians time creating and editing chord sheets or importing them from other sources. We’ll show you how at CRE North!’

• Cambron Software offering Power Music Software are on stand A40 at CRE North

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> See the seminar programme for CRE North 2019
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

How Sophie saved with Silley – and backed the kids of Kibera

The electric snake had claimed dozens of ‘lives’ – but had no answer for the dextrous skills of one CRE visitor.

Sophie Wellbelove took on the Save With Silley Challenge at CRE 2018, reaching the end of the snake without getting ‘electrocuted’ – in just eight seconds.

‘It was an incredibly quick time and the best of the week,’ said Andrew Silley, who specialises in energy procurement, management and consumption reduction for churches and individuals. ‘We were delighted to send £100 to the Turning Point Trust on Sophie’s behalf!’ The trust works with children in Kibera, a vast slum in Nairobi, Kenya where 7,000 children are out of school due to poverty. The trust returns children to school, providing quality education and promoting literacy in the community. 

As an energy professional who understands the complexities of the industry, Andrew reviews expenditure and suggests ways we can all make savings.

‘There’s really nothing to do other than decide if you want to save money,’ he said. ‘And there’s no charge for my services. The churches and charities I work with have saved between five and 56 per cent on their energy bills! In fact, I am so confident of finding you the best deal, I guarantee to beat the renewal offer of your current supplier (as detailed in your initial renewal offer letter) or I will make a donation of £75 to the charity of your choice.’

Among the charities Andrew currently supports is The Message, based in Manchester.

‘All the more reason to pay me a visit at Event City!’ said Andrew.

• Andrew Silley is on stand C18 at CRE North

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Let professional HR release your leaders to lead

Churches aren’t immune from problems with employees and should consider bringing in trained Human Resources professionals to help navigate difficult situations.

That’s the view of Nicci Birley, director of CRE North exhibitor Cornerstone Resources Ltd.

‘Church leaders are not only required to provide spiritual leadership but have to act as CEO of a small charity,’ she said. ‘Maybe someone isn’t performing, or money needs to be saved by making an employee redundant. It’s during these difficult times that the emotional as well as financial cost can be extremely high.’

Having someone you can rely on and trust who is not only trained in managing people issues but also a Christian can be invaluable, believes Nicci, founder of Cornerstone Resources Limited, an independent HR organisation.

‘In a Christian setting, we know how important relationships are and even when the right decision is to part company with someone, you’ll want to ensure where possible that the relationship doesn’t break down because of it,’ she said. ‘With many years of experience, not only in the professional HR world but also in churches and charities, we bring an understanding of church life and leadership and work closely with clients to understand their culture and vision – so we can find the right solution for all concerned.’

• Cornerstone Resources Ltd are on stand D9 (sharing with Phasic)

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Preachers before Paul: why we should celebrate the very first Christian missionaries

Saint Paul and the ‘big’ missionaries grab the headlines but we can learn a lot from the less-celebrated apostles in Acts.

‘We need to think carefully about our audiences,’ maintains Mike Penny, founder of the Open Bible Trust. ‘Why didn’t the apostle Peter go to any Gentiles, other than Cornelius? Should we be as selective in whom we witness to? Philip seemed to be doing a good job in Samaria so why did he need help from Peter and John? And taking principles from these apostles, what help do we need?’

In his seminar at CRE North, Mike will also consider the speech of Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

‘We need to ask where he went wrong and learn from him,’ said Mike. ‘And who formed the churches in Rome, Spain and Egypt? Did some of the 3,000 saved on the day of Pentecost take the message back to their own cities? We should do likewise. There is no need to go abroad today to reach people for Christ.’

Looking for that ‘missing something’ between deep theology and daily reading notes sparked the Open Bible Trust into being.

‘A group of us set out in the 1980s to encourage people to widen their interest in the whole Bible,’ said Mike. The newly-formed trust created a bi-monthly magazine, Reach, which offered a number of Bible studies and opened up biblical books in an easy-to-understand manner. Several more publications followed. A former director of maths and business studies, Michael spent nine years as the minister of a church in America. Now 75, his vision has not dimmed and his seminars at CRE are usually oversubscribed.

• The Open Bible Trust are on stand A15 at CRE North

• Mike Penny will speak on Missionaries before Paul (12pm, Thu 14 Mar)

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Introducing Mr and Mrs Looyah (and their son Hal)

A team of award-winning programme makers and business executives have come together to launch a new discipleship resource called Little Worship Company.
Their range of products will help children and grown-ups discover God together, through easy to use DVDs, devotionals and a digital App called ‘The Little Worship Company World’. Aimed at 0 to 6-year-olds, the interactive resources are based on a curriculum suitable for churches and schools.
‘Each DVD is hosted by Hal and his parents Mr and Mrs Looyah!’ explains Jo Sunderland of Wonderborn Studios, makers of the series. ‘The Looyahs take children through a journey of worship and scripture, helping them explore God and their identity in him, grounded in biblical truths.’
Grown-ups are invited to make use of an all-age devotional, with activities and crafts for adults and children, helping them both grow in faith together. The App also offers prayers and songs.

Led by Toby Hughes, a former technology and media entrepreneur, the Wonderborn team is made up of an advisory panel, expert consultants and in-house development, production, digital and marketing teams.

• Little Worship Company will be on stand C32 at CRE North

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Bolton beware! Rev Hilary’s on the round up

Rev Hilary HowarthA Methodist minister wants to take dozens of church members to CRE North – to celebrate her first five years in office.

Rev Hilary Howarth (pictured) of the Triangle Community Methodist Church, Bolton, visited the last CRE at Event City five years ago.

‘It was so brilliant I know it can make a lot of difference to church life,’ she said. ‘Our departmental leaders and helpers will get fresh ideas. We are working on our vision for the next five years and the resources on show at CRE will be a real inspiration.’

A local preacher for many years, Hilary became a minister in 2002 and served in Chorley and Northwick and Winsford circuits before returning to her roots in Bolton to lead The Triangle Community – three fellowships that came together to form a new church.

When CRE opens on March 13, Hilary wants to be there with at least 50 people – ‘so we can share together as a group and get even more out of it.’ The first day of the exhibition appeals to her because it will be open until 8pm – giving some people time to attend for a few hours after finishing work.

‘I’m passionate about growing healthy churches where Christ is central to our faith,’ she said, ‘and our love for him is expressed in relationships we share not only with those in the church family but within our communities and wider world.’

As a supporter of Bolton Wanderers FC, she may also spend a little time visiting Christians in Sport, Ambassadors Football, Sports Chaplaincy UK and the C of E Ministry of Sport.

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

ByDave Hall

Global mission update at CRE North 2019

Children’s charity World Vision are inviting church leaders to a special lunch presentation on the first day of CRE North (Wed 13 Mar).
Attendees will hear how two thirds of British adults fail to see the positive difference the Church is making globally or locally, according to the UK Church in Action report commissioned by World Vision UK in partnership with insight specialists Barna Global.
While 52 per cent of all Christians interviewed agree the Church has a positive impact in their communities, less than half (or 49 per cent) believe this is happening on a global scale. The study also found that 81 per cent of non-Christians don’t believe or don’t know how the Church is making any difference whatsoever to society.

‘Along with Barna Global, we are inviting church leaders to come and hear the latest research which gets to the heart of what social justice and mission mean today to church leaders and Christians,’ said Justin Bloomfield, the charity’s church relationships manager. ‘The report will enable attendees to better understand World Vision’s distinct calling to support churches in global mission. We hope to be able to help them improve strategies and partnerships. It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet with other local church leaders from the region with shared interests.’
A complimentary lunch and refreshments will be served and attendees will also receive free entry to CRE North. Spaces are limited so if you are a Christian leader email Justin Bloomfield or call Ally Wenham on 01908 244590 by Friday 1st March.
• World Vision are on stand A16 at CRE North 2019 and stand S41 at CRE 2019

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?

Photo ©2017 Jiro Ose/World Vision. Distribution at Imvepi refugee settlement, Uganda

ByDave Hall

Your goal – using sport to reach your neighbourhood

Let’s get out of our church buildings and join in with our local communities through sport.

That’s the challenge issued by Rev Tim Hastie-Smith, national director of Scripture Union England and Wales. If we do, maintains Tim, we will be able to ‘offer hope, build meaningful relationships and share God’s good news.’

Tim was commenting on Mission through Sport, in which SU supports churches as they go into local parks and MUGA’s (Multi-Use Games Areas) to run weekly detached sports projects, as well as non-residential and residential sports camps. Training, resources and ‘how to’ guides have all been produced to best support churches in running exciting, simple yet safe sports activities. SU are at CRE North to show churches how it all works.

Several other exhibitors, including Christians In Sport, Sports Chaplaincy UK and the C of E Ministry of Sport, will show us how to make the most of other opportunities – previewing National Sports Sunday (19th May 2019).

• Christians in Sport (Sports Ministries UK) are on stand A36 at CRE North

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> Who’s exhibiting at CRE North 2019?
> Who’s exhibiting at CRE Sandown Park 2019?


Technology at CRE

Photo of sound desk

Whether you require a sound system, video projection, lighting, staging or set design, CRE exhibitors provide all the advice you need.

Installing new AV equipment into old buildings can present a whole raft of challenges. B+H Sound is one of a number of companies with many years’ experience managing and delivering installation projects in every type of building from brand-new construction projects to those that are 12th Century Grade 1 listed.

‘It’s important to understand the unique architectural sensitivities of historic venues,’ explains B+H’s Brian Hillson.‘Our design team work alongside and advise churches on developing uncompromised technical solutions that meet the stringent requirements of approval processes such as Church of England faculty or DAC permissions.’

Fellow exhibitor DM Music have put installations into more than 3000 churches – from simple, easy-to-use speech systems to sophisticated multi-channel digital audio and visual set ups.

Meanwhile Hymn Technology offer their portable electronic hymn player under the proposition ‘No organist? No problem!’ Little or no musical or technical skill is required to operate it with some 3000 hymns available at the touch of remote-controlled button. The original Hymnal Plus came on to the market in the autumn of 2005 and was an instant success, with major coverage in virtually all the main UK national newspapers as well as widespread media coverage around the world. Now replaced by the HT-400, the product is sold through a small network of specialised dealers covering all parts of the UK.

Photos illustrating technology in church