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Ladies’ Day at CRE National 2019

Hats, big hair and bling may be stock-in-trade at racecourses but Ladies’ Day at CRE National 2019 will subvert the stereotype. In partnership with Mothers’ Union and Project 3:28, our final day looks in depth at issues faced by women in today’s church and world.

Rooted in Christian tradition and biblical values, a range of speakers and specialists will consider issues such as gender stereotyping and the barriers women face in achieving their potential.

Read on for the details of each seminar, plus other Ladies’ Day events.

#metoo, #churchtoo, #ustoo?
Natalie Collins, Project 3:28
Thursday 17 October, 11am, Park View Suite

Stories of women being subjected to sexism, harrassment and violence have gained widespread media coverage. The church is not immune with cases emerging of women and children being abused and mistreated by those in power. How do we create safe churches that hold abusers accountable and enable women to flourish through Christ? Natalie Collins (pictured), a gender justice specialist, offers insight into the issues and outline core principles for building safe churches.

In this seminar you will:

• Reflect on the #metoo and #churchtoo movements
• Be challenged about the issues your church faces
• Consider what you need to do to make your church a safe space
• Learn how to help those who have been abused, possibly within your own church
• Be introduced to resources to help you learn more

Where have all the black saints gone?
Dr Sanjee Perera, University of Birmingham
Thursday 17 October, 12 noon, Park View Suite

Many of us will know the stories of aristocratic saints who lived centuries ago but have we considered how their stories might clash with the earthy biblical narratives that speak of prostitutes alight in Grace, of famine and slavery, of unbending dictators, genocide and the fall of empires? Dr Sanjee Perera (pictured), research fellow at the University of Birmingham, had to search to find the stories of black women who have served the church and she takes us on a poetic journey through Victorian stained glass and alabaster angels in verdant graveyards, to examine how goodness, holiness, beauty and virtue became synonymous with whiteness, and how this becomes a double burden for women with black and minority ethnicities.

In this seminar you will:

• Learn about important women in Christian history
• Find out more about the racist and colonial history of the church
• Be challenged about racism within your church
• Consider how your church can become more welcoming and inclusive
• Reflect on the significance of your church furnishings in responding to racism and sexism

Women in leadership
The Bishop of Dorking, Rt Rev Dr Jo Bailey Wells
Thursday 17 October, 1.15pm, Park View Suite

Bishop Jo (pictured) identifies and responds to the particular challenges women face in pursuing God’s call to leadership, including theological objections, practical challenges, institutional barriers and internal obstacles (confidence issues, imposter syndrome etc). How far have we got to go to ensure women and girls are liberated and fully included in the church?

In this seminar you will:

• Hear about Bishop Jo’s own leadership journey
• Reflect on what the Bible says about women in leadership
• Learn about the internal barriers faced by women in leadership
• Understand how to respond to the external barriers faced by women in leadership
• Be encouraged, as a woman in leadership or as a supporter of women in leadership

Reviving biblical womanhood
Rachel Gardner, Youthscape
Thursday 17 October, 2.30pm, Park View Suite

For many within Christian culture, womanhood looks a particular way – but is it biblical? And what does it mean for women and girls who don’t fit that ideal?  Drawing from her new book, The Girl Deconstruction Project (Hodder), Rachel Gardner, director of partnerships at Youthscape, offers a new vision for women in the church and inspires as to realise that vision in our own churches, communities and families.

In this seminar you will:

• Reflect on the meaning of biblical womanhood
• Be encouraged about God’s purposes for women and girls
• Discover the diversity of what it means to be a woman who loves God
• Be inspired by Rachel’s journey towards self-acceptance
• Hear about the ways women and girls are making a difference in the church and world

Ladies’ Day plenary
Hosted by Natalie Collins of Project 3:28
Thursday 17 October, 3.15pm, Park View Suite

Ladies’ Day also includes:

11.30am – Songs from Marilyn Baker (Arts Café)

12pm – Being a mother to the motherless: Helping the next generation to be the women of God has called them to be, with Lizzie Price, EDGE (Seminar Room 1)

12pm – Emily Feltham (pictured) of Saltmine Theatre Company performs an extract from Chosen, a play about the life of Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers’ Union, and talks about Saltmine’s partnership with the Mothers’ Union for this production (Arts Café).

12.30pm – Music from Daughters of Davis and Asamoah (Cindy’s Bar)

2pm – Exploring wellbeing for ordained women, with Rev Jackie Johnson, Diocese of Lincoln (Seminar Room 1)

2pm – Using digital technology to make women’s lives better, with Jo Swinney, CPO (Seminar Room 2)

2pm – Saltmine Theatre Co present a duologue and monologue from Mary Magdalene (Arts Café)

3pm – Marilyn Baker in concert (Cindy’s Bar)

ByDave Hall

Youth Zone responds to ‘heart-breaking’ report

A quarter of a million UK children are unhappy according to a new report from the Children’s Society.

And another large-scale study of young people, from the Barna Group and World Vision, shows four in ten are anxious about important decisions and uncertain about the future. Only one third say they feel deeply cared for by those around them.

Laura Hancock, national ministries director for Youth for Christ, said: ‘It is heart-breaking to hear of the brokenness many children and young people feel in this generation. They may feel anxious, lonely and disconnected but there is hope. Jesus promises to provide peace, relationship, connection, hope and purpose, and this is what we shall be tackling at CRE National 2019.’

The Children’s Society’s Matt Hussey said the research showed that while young people are feeling more isolated and alone, youth groups were an ideal way to bring them together to promote positive relationships and friendships – and a safe space to talk about issues concerning them.

Sponsored by YFC, the exhibition’s Youth Zone will feature a number of organisations providing churches with the means to reach young people, enabling them to find a new life and meaning in Jesus Christ.

Laura was a former youth pastor in London and outreach worker in local schools, before marrying Andy, youth pastor at Lifecentral Church, Halesowen.

‘The hands and feet to reach youngsters are in the local church,’ she said. ‘I encourage CRE visitors to call in at the Youth Zone where I am sure the organisations there will suggest ways in which a local church can help or get help.’

Exhibitors in the Youth Zone include:

• Acet UK
• Bible Educational Services
• Counties
• Hope UK
• Kisumu Children Trust
• Latin Link
• Pulse Ministries
• Youth for Christ
• Youthscape

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ByDave Hall

Mock ‘n’ Lock’s bookshop blessing

Two regular exhibitors at CRE have doubled the size of their stand – so visitors can discover an even wider range of reading material.

Canaan Christian Ministries in Staines celebrate their 40th anniversary in November – just a year ahead of 39-year-old Manna Christian Centre in Streatham. Shop managers Barry Mockford and Dave Lock have upped the size of their display to offer ‘something for everyone’ with bibles, books, CDs, DVDs, calendars, gifts, cards and communion-related items.

Known as the Blues Brothers because they both support Chelsea FC, ‘Mock ‘n’ Lock’ are promising special offers not usually available in their shops – and cheaper than can be found online.

‘It’s all part of our 40th year celebrations,’ said Barry said. ‘People need to know not everything is cheaper online. We also want them to realise that when they buy from a local independent bookshop, not only are they supporting their local “bricks and mortar” shop in the high street, which is often open when churches are closed, but they can save money as well. As independent bookshops we are there to help and serve the individual, as well as equipping people to live their lives in the way that God intended. But we are more than a bookshop – because we can also offer a listening ear, counselling, help and advice and a prayer centre.’

Barry and Dave are looking forward to many encouraging conversations during CRE National 2019 – and not just about the visit of Newcastle to Stamford Bridge two days after the exhibition.

• Canaan Christian Ministries and Manna Christian Centre are on stand S145 at CRE National 2019

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Day 1: Tuesday 15 October

Photo of a CRE seminar

Welcome to Day 1 of CRE, which includes the following seminars and special features. If you’re planning your visit, you might find it helpful to download and print out our day-by-day seminar programme guide.


Being playfully serious: How Messy Churches create new space for faith with Claire Dalpra
Getting started with Messy Church with Dave Martin
Awkward, but essential: How to talk effectively about relationships and sex in church with Sarah Smith
The greatest secret: Why adoption changes everything about discipleship with Krish Kandiah
Metamorphosis: How to move beyond the church walls with Alison Fernandes
• How to protect your church from terrorism
Sharing Bible stories in primary schools with Julie Jefferies and Val Ralston
Report on Bible distribution at the London Olympics 2012 with Edward Diggines
Church Buildings: How to make them happen with Jim Hamett and Nigel Walter
From detached to disciples: The building blocks of outstanding youth ministry with Dan Lodge
Can you hear me at the back? with Tim Horton
Free will: God’s choice, our choice with Anthony Mitchell

Special features

Arts Café
AfterWorkNet programme
Walk Through the Bible programme
The Original Cindy’s Bar

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Starting a community project in your church

John Marsh, Mark Eddison and Justyn LarcombeStarting a community project in your church
John Marsh, Mark Eddison and Justyn Larcombe, MEB Design
Thursday 17 October, 2pm, Room 3

Practical advice and case histories from churches that have been successful in community projects.

In this seminar you will:

• Consider the specific needs of your local community: possibly loneliness, poverty (food and money), addiction, illiteracy etc.

• Learn how to create the right welcoming environment – ensuring you have suitable facilities in which to operate

• Reflect on the type of project you wish to establish. Will it be run by an external agency or is it a facility run by church members that anyone can use?

• Consider the management implications by way of financing and staffing, in particular the likely pitfalls of employing people from the church

• Receive guidance about regulations and hear of successful projects including the Recovery Course (Justyn Larcombe), West Central Cafe, Redhill (Nik Ball), Debt Advice and others

Complete seminar programme 2019
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Social action and church growth

Matt AdcockSocial action and church growth
Matt Adcock, Church Urban Fund
Thursday 17 October, 12 noon, Room 3

Exploring new research on the relationship between social action, discipleship and church growth.

In this seminar you will:

• Receive the latest research into the link between church growth and social action

• Hear examples of where churches have grown disciples through social engagement

• Find out how communities can work together to meet social needs

• Be enriched by a combination of learning, challenge and encouragement

• Take away resources for helping those dealing with issues such as debt

Complete seminar programme 2019
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Healing for those hurting from porn and adultery

Mike GenungHealing for those hurting from porn and adultery
Mike Genung, Blazing Grace
Wednesday 16 October, 2pm, Room 3

Mike Genung of Blazing Grace shares his story and provides steps to freedom for those ensnared in porn or sex addiction.

In this seminar you will:

• Find out what the path to freedom looks like for people who are addicted to pornography

• Consider wives – the forgotton ones: what their healing journey looks like

• Discover how porn and adultery affects those ensnared by it – chemically, emotionally and spiritually

• Be informed of the number one reason churches avoid talking about the topics of sex and pornography

• Find out what churches can do to members who are hurting from the porn epidemic

Complete seminar programme 2019
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Weddings, baptisms and funerals: Grasping the opportunity

Tom PearsonWeddings, baptisms and funerals: Grasping the opportunity
Tom Pearson, Church of England, Life Events
Wednesday 16 October, 3pm, Room 2

We’ll be looking at the ministry and mission opportunities of weddings, baptisms and funerals in the Church of England, with the Life Events Diary to manage the administration.

In this seminar you will:

• Get an insight into the many opportunities Church of England churches have to build relationships with those who come to them for life event services

• Gain a better understanding of the ways that those who come to church for a life event service wish to be contacted, for how long – and about what

• Find out how the Life Events Diary, free software for every Church of England church, can assist with administration of event services, allowing churches to focus on ministry and mission

• Be informed how Church of England churches can record legal and personal data about those who come to them for life event services – safely and securely

• Walk away with a clear understanding of how engagement, relationship and follow up is so important to those who come to church for life event services – and why it’s also so important to your church

Complete seminar programme 2019
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ByDave Hall

Time to go flat out for poor people

Giving up your bed to sleep on the floor is just one task in a new experience for church members.

In taking up World Vision’s Matthew 25 Challenge, congregations are invited to concentrate on Matthew 25:35-40 – to care for our ‘neighbour’ living in poverty around the world. 

‘Church members get daily text challenges to their mobile phone – or if they prefer, follow the challenges in a devotional booklet,’ explained World Vision’s Justin Bloomfield. ‘Both include amazing stories of children around the world, prayers, inspiring videos and discussion points.’

This new initiative, introduced to churches at CRE National 2019, will help churches step into the lives of people living in poverty – and respond with the love of Jesus. The daily challenges are family-friendly and include giving up your bed to sleep on the floor and giving up a meal and all drinks except water. 

As one church pastor said: ‘It’s easy to read scripture, but it’s another thing to feel scripture.’

‘Our prayer is that the Matthew 25 Challenge will give church leaders resources to help equip them disciple their congregations and build community and relationships, too,’ said Justin.

• Visit the World Vision stand (S41) at CRE National 2019 to sign up your church to the Matthew 25 Challenge

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ByDave Hall

Out of disaster comes the divine

If it hadn’t been for a ‘massive error’ in Washington DC, the late Bob Gass and United Christian Broadcasters might never have met. 

When just 29 visitors came through the doors of the two-day CRE in prestigious Washington DC in 1989, the event’s UK founder flew home counting the cost of a commercial disaster.

‘We were advised by our American partners that the capital would be ideal for the first event of its kind on US soil,’ recalled Gospatric Home, now honorary president of CRE. ‘It was a massive error. Despite a powerful marketing campaign to many thousands of church leaders, the attendance was embarrassingly poor.’

The exhibition was still in its infancy in the UK and the fledgling organisation did not need a loss-making event at such a precarious time in its existence. Unknown to Gos, however, one of the handful of visitors had been the late Bob Gass. And one of the exhibitors was United Christian Broadcasters. Until that day, they didn’t know each other existed.

And, in the economy of God, from the smallest of acorns a mighty oak grew.

Bob proposed contributing a devotional to UCB under the title Word for Today. The first edition was published in April 1994 with a print run of just 3,500. The rest is history.

‘Today, we are distributing more than 300,000 printed copies quarterly to the UK alone,’ said UCB’s publishing coordinator Laura Foxon. ‘As well as this, more than 76,000 people are receiving it each day by email, over 88,000 people read the daily devotional online in the first quarter of 2019 and 76,000 people accessed the UCB Word For Today podcast via our app in the first quarter of 2019.’

More than 300,000 people each week listen to UCB 1 and UCB 2, which both broadcast the UCB Word For Today every day.

‘None of this would have happened if UCB had not taken a stand at the exhibition,’ recalled Gos. ‘UCB must have been hugely impressed by Bob but it is quite normal for an enterprise of this kind to start quite modestly and grow in popularity. Many significant projects have begun through “chance” conversations in the aisles of CRE and we are grateful to God that we have been able to play a small part in his divine plans.’

In 1987, CRE National moved from central London to Sandown Park, Esher, Surrey where it takes place again this year (Oct 15-17). By the 1990s the exhibition was also being staged in Birmingham, Manchester, Harrogate, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Torquay and Exeter.

‘CRE has played a huge role in showing churches how to move with the times and grow and develop,’ said Gos. ‘Thousands and thousands of churches have modernised and continue to change in this age of the internet. Meanwhile exhibitors have got better and better at presenting their resources to church leaders.’

More than 4000 local church leaders and members, representing all major denominations, are expected to visit CRE National 2019, to be opened by former Manfred Mann singer Paul Jones and actress Fiona Hendley.

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